

This unit explores the properties of fire and heat transfer, and considers the implications of bushfires from different perspectives. The unit includes practical activities which require the design of scientific investigations, as well as a communication task that uses gathered information to inform a target audience. Assessment rubrics are included.

Educational value statement

  • Fire is a chemical reaction that occurs when a combustible material, or fuel, is heated to the ignition temperature in the presence of oxygen. The combustion reaction produces heat energy and other products including carbon dioxide. The intensity and behaviour of fires, including bushfires, is influenced by factors such as fuel characteristics and atmospheric conditions.
  • Fire is a natural element and has historically played an important role in shaping the landscape of Australia, the most bushfire-prone continent. However, bushfires can also have a devastating effect on communities, farmland and natural forests. Assessing the behaviour and impact of a bushfire requires input from specialists from a range of professions including botanists, zoologists, fire analysts and psychologists.
  • When conducting scientific investigations, students must be able to identify and explain the hypothesis, predictions, observations and findings. It is important that they design an appropriate method, collect accurate data, understand relationships and patterns between variables, and evaluate their results. They should be able to demonstrate their understanding of what makes a test a fair test.
  • Assessment rubrics, such as those used in this unit, are a useful tool for providing students with feedback. Rubrics focus on a number of specific criteria against which teachers can make judgements about student work. This process assists teachers to make consistent judgements about the quality of student work. Rubrics can also be used for peer assessment.

Key learning area

Science; Science as a Human Endeavour; Science Inquiry skills; Science Understanding

Year level

9 - 10