number related

PIN number: SHJIJH

  1. Zou ba! Telephones: what's your number?
    Learning objects

    L4341 Zou ba! Telephones: what's your number?

    • Published 21/01/2016
    • TLF-ID L4341

    Find out how to ask for someone's telephone number or give your number to others. Note how the word for the number one changes when recalling telephone numbers. This learning object is one in a series of two objects.

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  2. Zou ba! School: timetables
    Learning objects

    L4351 Zou ba! School: timetables

    • Published 21/01/2016
    • TLF-ID L4351

    Find out how to describe the order of subjects in a school day. Notice that numbers are used to identify school periods. For example, 'I have Maths in period three on Wednesday.' This learning object is one in a series of four objects.

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