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Listed under:  Science  >  Scientific inquiry  >  Evaluation

Catalyst: Thinning ice sheet

Discover that that the massive ice sheet in East Antarctica has been losing mass since 2006 instead of growing, as was previously thought. Watch animations to see how scientists from NASA and Australia are using satellite technology and aerial monitoring to investigate the thickness of East Antarctica's ice sheet. Find ...


Catalyst: Accelerating glaciers in Antarctica

Discover a white world in which glaciers are racing toward the sea at seven times their normal speed. This is what is happening in Antarctica now and the consequences will eventually be felt at your nearest beach. Travel with scientist Dr Paul Williams to see some stunning images of what is occurring around the fringes ...


Catalyst: Plants and increased levels of carbon dioxide

We know that most plants use carbon dioxide to make their own food. So what might plants look like in 100 years if carbon dioxide levels continue to increase - will they become enormous and overtake our backyards? View the possible effects of changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide on plants and, in turn, humans and other animals.


Data and information

This is a unit for Year 5 from the Scope and sequence resources from the DT Hub. The topic of data collection and presentation is organised into four key elements. Use this flow of activities to plan and assess students against the relevant achievement standards. Students collect their own data and analyse the resulting ...


Pet Superstars: Guide dog puppy in training

Meet Ella and the puppy she is helping to train as a guide dog. Find out what it takes to teach Dusty what he needs to know for a very important job.


Atoms of Fire: Building models of organic molecules

Have you seen the model of long-chain carbon molecules first developed by Friedrich August Kekulé? This model enabled chemists to make a great leap forward in their understanding of the structure of organic molecules. See how to represent the structure of methane, ethane, propane, butane and octane. Find out how to rearrange ...


Radio National: Using genes to unlock the secrets of Tutankhamen

Tutankhamen was an Egyptian pharaoh who ascended to the throne in 1333 BC, at the age or nine or ten. His fame in modern times is due to the discovery of his virtually intact tomb in 1922. Since then, many questions have been asked about his life and ancestry. Listen to this audio clip to find out how genetic technology ...


Catalyst: How will fire change the climate?

Considering the impact of a changing climate on the severity and frequency of fires is one thing, but how about the impact of fires on climate? Why does Professor David Bowman describe this scenario as a 'fire spiral'? What are the consequences of a world with fewer forests? As Professor Craig Allen explains, drought and ...


Science Talk 2007: Richard Wiseman

An interview with Professor Richard Wiseman, magician and psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK. Richard talks to a teacher from Strathfield Girls High School about the connection between psychology and magic, and his work as a psychologist investigating quirkology, the science of everyday life.


Stem Cells Repair

This 11 minute video segment from Catalyst is a case study of research in the use of stem cells. It demonstrates the structure of the knee joint and the role of bones and cartilage. Stem cells from bone marrow are collected and used in attempt to prevent the onset of arthritis. This program distinguishes embryonic from ...


Science Talk 2007: Jeremy Leggett

An interview with Dr Jeremy Leggett, global environmental expert from Solarcentury in the UK. Jeremy talks to a teacher from Leumeah High School about global warming, fossil fuels and the design of carbon neutral buildings.


Ant safari

This ABC In Depth feature article includes some good advice for exploring local ant populations as well as an excellent information report on Australian ants: the different types and their roles.


Ibis Invasion

This ABC In Depth feature article describes research on Australian white ibis - or 'tip turkeys' as many call them. They are regarded as a nuisance in cities, especially in the spring breeding season. But scientists fear they may become extinct as more pressure is put on the wetlands that are their native and adopted environments. ...


Missing links

This lengthy and detailed video segment from Catalyst examines some of the key transitional fossils between species, the so called 'missing links'. Also included is an interesting story of a missing link that was discovered as a result of a hoax. This program includes extracts from Darwin's diaries in Australia.


Mirrors Simulation (sk-Intel)

Students explore the reflection of light by plane mirrors and operate a simple periscope using ray diagrams.


Density Simulation (sk-Intel)

This resource is in the style of an 'authentic' scientific investigation. The investigation is set in a crime lab where finding the densities of the various items can solve the crime. The tool enables students to explore mass and volume for a variety of solids and liquids and hence determine their densities.


Sexual selection

This 5 minute video segment from Catalyst describes how Charles Darwin has revolutionised the way we understand modern biology and evolution. A scientist in Queensland put one of his theories under the microscope by testing to see if more brightly coloured male butterflies have greater success in mating. He speculates that ...


Coal Gas

This 12 minute video segment from Catalyst outlines how for decades, scientists have worked to develop technologies that can unlock the energy from coal while reducing the risks of digging it up and burning it. Now entirely new industries are booming as they tap into coal seams either too gassy or too deep to be mined by ...


Complex pain

This 15 minute video segment from Catalyst describes Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, condition where pain never goes away after an injury and even gets worse. The pain becomes a disease in its own right.


Low-carb cars

This ABC In Depth feature article explores the electric car as an alternative to petrol and diesel vehicles, with a brief reference to hydrogen powered cars. This article is comprehensive, but it is dated at 2008.