Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages / Year 7 to 10 / Communicating / Informing

Curriculum content descriptions

Convey information about events, experiences or topics of shared interest, using different modes of presentation to suit different audiences and contexts

[Key concepts: audience, Country/Place, community life; Key processes: describing, explaining, creating, annotating, reviewing, persuading, reporting, presenting, referencing]


  • writing a review/report or create a mock commentary of an event such as a football match, school camp, school dance or music festival, using expressive and specialised language
  • creating a short documentary to present information and stories, for example, about their school, their community, Country/Place and social and cultural events
  • planning, drafting and publishing informative and persuasive texts, selecting appropriate language, visual and audio features to convey information and ideas, raise issues, report events and advance opinions
  • designing websites, posters or presentations that include visual representations and supporting commentary
  • reporting on their own or others’ experiences of events using formats such as personal recounts, blogs or digital/oral presentations
  • interviewing and writing a biography of a significant individual or group from their region, for example, a sportsperson, community leader/negotiator/spokesperson, musician, artist
  • creating texts such as blog posts, contributions to school newsletters or letters to local media on social and environmental issues, using persuasive and emotive language to gain support from others in the community
  • producing fact sheets or informative videos about a current issue, an historical event, an aspect of their Country/Place
  • compiling a portfolio of texts in a range of modes/styles/genres related to a particular concept, purpose or audience, for example, a class anthology of stories from the community, a collection of procedural texts, histories of the region, profiles of community identities, using supporting evidence, and quotes and appropriate referencing conventions,
  • planning, rehearsing and giving presentations, selecting and sequencing appropriate content and incorporating multimodal elements to either promote a particular point of view or to reflect diversity of viewpoints
  • writing an article for a local newspaper or a letter to the editor or local council in relation to a community issue, using examples, stories and quotations to explain and substantiate a particular viewpoint
  • creating an interactive presentation for younger children or for the community that highlights the benefits of maintaining and strengthening their own/home/first language
  • creating spoken, written or multimodal texts, such as identity maps, timelines, digital presentations or family trees with captions and commentaries that describe key milestones and significant life influences, such as people, events, educational experiences, community affiliations, travel experiences, visits away from Country/Place, shifting place of residence, and considering how these shape identity
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
Cross-curriculum priorities
ScOT terms

Australian languages

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