Indonesian / Year 9 and 10 / Understanding / Role of language and culture

Curriculum content descriptions

Understand the role of language and culture in shaping and conveying cultural identity, including the multiple languages and cultures both in Indonesia and in Australia

[Key concepts: multiplicity, language ecology; Key processes: exploring, reflecting, explaining]


  • examining the link between language and cultural values in Indonesia, for example, concepts of community (komunitas, keluarga besar [company name], rakyat, masyarakat) and working together/reciprocating (saling membantu, saling mengerti, gotong royong, bertenggang rasa)
  • understanding how language reflects specific cultural ideas, such as social organisation (for example, kelurahan, bapak camat, bupati, kabupaten, propinsi), as well as values, such as deference and humility, for example, numpang tanya Pak, minta maaf, kalau saya tidak salah
  • recognising that cultural values, customs and practices are constantly changing and are evident in language use, for example, the use of kinship terms to refer to people who are not blood relations (Saudara, Paman, Tante, Mas, Mbak)
  • appreciating that language use can reflect and express cultural identity; that multiple languages exist in both Indonesia and Australia, including Indigenous languages; and that many people are multilingual and value this capability as an integral part of their identity
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
  • Ethical understanding Ethical understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities
ScOT terms

Regional culture,  Ethnicity,  Indonesian language

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