Modern Greek / Foundation to Year 2 / Understanding / Systems of language

Curriculum content descriptions

Recognise and reproduce the sounds and letters of the Greek alphabet, identifying how they are represented in words, and read vowel–consonant combinations, including the most common digraphs/diphthongs such as oυ and μπ

[Key concepts: stress, intonation, letters, pronunciation; Key processes: listening, reading, recognising]


  • building phonic awareness by pronouncing and writing alphabet letters with familiar sounds, for example, Οο, Ιι, Εε, Αα, Κκ, Ττ, Λλ, Ππ, Σσς, Μμ, Νν, Ηη, Υυ, Ωω, Ββ, Ζζ, Φφ, and building to more unfamiliar sounds, for example Γγ, Ρρ, Δδ, Θθ, Ξξ, Ψψ, Χχ
  • experimenting with sounds, rhythms, intonation and stress
  • noticing that there are 24 letters in the Greek alphabet with individual names and that there are upper case and lower case letters, seven vowels and 17 consonants, and that ‘ς’ (τελικό σίγμα) only appears on the ends of words
  • locating and highlighting specific alphabet letters and accent marks in names, and categorising names according to their first consonant
  • developing pronunciation and intonation skills by singing, reciting and repeating alphabet names in context, for example, songs
  • focusing on those letters that are different and initially difficult and correctly pronouncing words starting with the sounds Ψψ and Ξξ (ψάρι, ξύλο), recognising that these two sounds only appear in the middle or at the end of words in English
  • recognising and making simple syllables from vowel–consonant combinations, for example, μα, με, μη, μι, μο, μυ, μω and understanding that syllables can be joined together to make words such as α-λά-τι and μά-τι
  • recognising the most common digraphs, including ου as in μου and μπ as in μπαμπάς
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Greek language

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