Turkish / Year 7 and 8 / Communicating / Translating

Curriculum content descriptions

Produce short bilingual texts such as digital stories, comics, blogs and contributions to newsletters or websites which capture the experience of ‘living between languages’

[Key concepts: equivalence, interpretation; Key processes: explaining, creating, selecting, glossing, translating]


  • contributing posts to websites or online forums which provide examples of challenges involved in bilingual communication, for example, by glossing Australian expressions, such as ‘to cost an arm and a leg’, ‘to barrack for’, ‘bush tucker’, ‘snags’ and ‘good on you!’
  • creating menus or programs for Turkish-themed events, with key items/information in Turkish and explanatory footnotes/glossaries in English
  • creating subtitles, captions or commentaries for texts such as video clips, displays or slide shows which introduce the school community to significant aspects of Turkish culture, such as Ramazan/Kurban Bayramı, 19 Mayıs Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı, Cumhuriyet Bayramı, yayla festivalleri
  • creating glossaries for friends and relatives in other Turkish-speaking countries to explain aspects of Australian lifestyles and terminology, for example, the use of abbreviations and colloquialisms such as ‘barbie’, ‘arvo’, ‘brekkie’, ‘g’day’, ‘fair dinkum’ or ‘No worries!’
  • creating humorous bilingual texts, such as comics, stories or dialogues between Turkish-speaking characters in Australia, highlighting challenges associated with the experience of ‘living between languages’
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
ScOT terms

Turkish language

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