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WS01 - My history mystery box

English, Year 1

By the end of Year 1, students interact with others, and listen to and create short spoken texts including recounts of stories. They share ideas and retell or adapt familiar stories, recount or report on events or experiences, and express opinions using a small number of details from learnt topics, topics of interest or texts. They sequence ideas and use language features including topic-specific vocabulary and features of voice. 


They read, view and comprehend texts, monitoring meaning and making connections between the depiction of characters, settings and events, and to personal experiences. They identify the text structures of familiar narrative and informative texts, and their language features and visual features. They blend short vowels, common long vowels, consonants and digraphs to read one-syllable words. They read one- and two-syllable words with common letter patterns, and an increasing number of high-frequency words. They use sentence boundary punctuation to read with developing phrasing and fluency. 


They create short written and/or multimodal texts including recounts of stories with events and characters. They report information and experiences, and express opinions. Ideas in their texts may be informative or imaginative and include a small number of details from learnt topics, topics of interest or texts. They write simple sentences with sentence boundary punctuation and capital letters for proper nouns. They use topic-specific vocabulary. They write words using unjoined upper-case and lower-case letters. They spell most one- and two-syllable words with common letter patterns and common grammatical morphemes, and an increasing number of high-frequency words. 

Language | Language for interacting with others


understand how language, facial expressions and gestures are used to interact with others when asking for and providing information, making offers, exclaiming, requesting and giving commands

Language | Language for interacting with others


explore language to provide reasons for likes, dislikes and preferences

Language | Language for expressing and developing ideas


recognise the vocabulary of learning area topics

Literature | Literature and contexts


discuss how language and images are used to create characters, settings and events in literature by First Nations Australian, and wide-ranging Australian and world authors and illustrators

Literature | Engaging with and responding to literature


discuss literary texts and share responses by making connections with students’ own experiences

Literature | Creating literature


orally retell or adapt a familiar story using plot and characters, language features including vocabulary, and structure of a familiar text, through role-play, writing, drawing or digital tools

Literacy | Interacting with others


use interaction skills including turn-taking, speaking clearly, using active listening behaviours and responding to the contributions of others, and contributing ideas and questions

Literature | Analysing, interpreting and evaluating


use comprehension strategies such as visualising, predicting, connecting, summarising and questioning when listening, viewing and reading to build literal and inferred meaning by drawing on vocabulary and growing knowledge of context and text structures

Literacy | Creating texts


create and deliver short oral and/or multimodal presentations on personal and learnt topics, which include an opening, middle and concluding statement; some topic-specific vocabulary and appropriate gesture, volume and pace


These annotations are interactive and link to a specific timestamp in the video. x

Makes eye contact while introducing the presentation to engage with peers.

6 9 1 40

Shares information from personal experience to explain the relevance of an item.

13 22 1 40

Speaks clearly while offering details about each item in the history mystery box.

23 33 1 40

Uses topic-specific vocabulary such as “past” and “timeline”.

34 46 1 40

Places items in the sequence of a timeline.   

47 62 1 40

Provides information by using items as visual support. 

63 67 1 40

Responds to questions, clarifying details about the presentation.

72 89 1 40

This is my history mystery box and my first item is for the future. And what I would like to be in the future is a Formula 1 driver. And it is special to me because my dad will be able to teach me and I can't drive a car yet. My second object is my second grade belt in jiu-jitsu. And I got it when I was 3 years old, and it is from the past. And it is special to me because I had to work hard to get it. And now I'm going to put it in a timeline. And I would like to be a Formula 1 driver in the future.


Can you please tell us what they are, in order?


This is from, this is from when I was born. This is from a baby. This is from when I was a toddler. And this is when I first went to school. And this is for the future. Thank you everyone for listening.