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WS02 - The Industrial Revolution

Humanities and Social Sciences, History, Year 9

By the end of Year 9, students explain the historical significance of the period of the early modern world up to 1918. They explain the causes and effects of events, developments, turning points or movements globally, in Australia and in relation to World War I or in an Asian context. They describe the social, cultural, economic and/or political aspects related to the changes and continuities in a society or a historical period. Students explain the role of significant ideas, individuals, groups and institutions connected to the developments of this period and their influences on the historical events. 


Students develop and modify questions about the past to inform historical inquiry. They locate, select and compare primary and secondary sources, and use information in sources as evidence in historical inquiry. They explain the origin, content, context and purpose of primary and secondary sources. Students compare sources to determine the accuracy, usefulness and reliability of sources as evidence. They explain causes and effects, and patterns of continuity and change connected to a period, event or movement. Students compare perspectives of significant events and developments, and explain the factors that influence these perspectives. They analyse different and contested historical interpretations. Students use historical knowledge, concepts and terms to develop descriptions, explanations and historical arguments that acknowledge evidence from sources.

Knowledge and understanding | The Industrial Revolution and the movement of peoples (1750 – 1900)


the different perspectives and experiences of men, women and children during the Industrial Revolution, and their changing way of life

Knowledge and understanding | The Industrial Revolution and the movement of peoples (1750 – 1900)


the role of a significant individual or group such as agricultural and factory workers, inventors and entrepreneurs, landowners, politicians and religious groups in promoting and enacting some of the ideas that emerged during the Industrial Revolution

Skills | Questioning and researching


locate, identify and compare primary and secondary sources to use in historical inquiry

Skills | Using historical sources


identify the origin and content of sources, and explain the purpose and context of primary and secondary sources

Skills | Historical perspectives and interpretations


analyse cause and effect, and evaluate patterns of continuity and change

Skills | Historical perspectives and interpretations


compare perspectives in sources and explain how these are influenced by significant events, ideas, locations, beliefs and values

Skills | Communicating


create descriptions, explanations and historical arguments, using historical knowledge, concepts and terms that incorporate and acknowledge evidence from sources



1. Categorises the features of a source to identify its type. See also 4, 7 and 10. 


2. Makes generalisations about a historical period based on observations from a source. See also 5, 9 and 12. 


3. Connects historical developments and events across places and time periods. 

4. Categorises the features of a source to identify its type. See also 1, 7 and 10. 


5. Makes generalisations about a historical period based on observations from a source. See also 2, 9 and 12. 


6. Makes inferences based on the content of sources. 

7. Categorises the features of a source to identify its type. See also 1, 4 and 10. 


8. Identifies details within the source, describing ideas, activities or people being represented. 


9. Makes generalisations about a historical period based on observations from a source. See also 2, 5 and 12. 

10. Categorises the features of a source to identify its type. See also 1, 4 and 7. 


11. Summarises the content of a source. 


12. Makes generalisations about a historical period based on observations from a source. See also 2, 5 and 9. 

13. Uses the content of sources to explain the experiences of people at the time and their legacy. 


14. Uses evidence from sources to support an argument.

15. Explains connections between historical developments and the lives of ordinary people. 


16. Makes generalisations about a historical period. 


17. Uses the content of a source to support observations about a period. 


18. Explains the effects of working conditions on the lives of children during the Industrial Revolution. 


19. Uses historical concepts and terms; for example, source, evidence and Industrial Revolution. 


20. Provides reasons to support the view that the Industrial Revolution had major impacts on child labour.