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WS02 - Number: addition and subtraction

Mathematics, Year 4

By the end of Year 4, students use their understanding of place value to represent tenths and hundredths in decimal form and to multiply natural numbers by multiples of 10. They use mathematical modelling to solve financial and other practical problems, formulating the problem using number sentences, solving the problem choosing efficient strategies and interpreting results in terms of the situation. Students use their proficiency with addition and multiplication facts to add and subtract, multiply and divide numbers efficiently. They choose rounding and estimation strategies to determine whether results of calculations are reasonable. Students use the properties of odd and even numbers. They recognise equivalent fractions and make connections between fraction and decimal notations. Students count and represent fractions on a number line. They find unknown values in numerical equations involving addition and subtraction. Students follow and create algorithms that generate sets of numbers and identify emerging patterns. 


They use scaled instruments and appropriate units to measure length, mass, capacity and temperature. Students measure and approximate perimeters and areas. They convert between units of time when solving problems involving duration. Students compare angles relative to a right angle using angle names. They represent and approximate shapes and objects in the environment. Students create and interpret grid references. They identify line and rotational symmetry in plane shapes and create symmetrical patterns. 


Students create many-to-one data displays, assess the suitability of displays for representing data and discuss the shape of distributions and variation in data. They use surveys and digital tools to generate categorical or discrete numerical data in statistical investigations and communicate their findings in context. Students order events or the outcomes of chance experiments in terms of likelihood and identify whether events are independent or dependent. They conduct repeated chance experiments and describe the variation in results. 



develop efficient strategies and use appropriate digital tools for solving problems involving addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division where there is no remainder




follow and create algorithms involving a sequence of steps and decisions that use addition or multiplication to generate sets of numbers; identify and describe any emerging patterns




find unknown values in numerical equations involving addition and subtraction, using the properties of numbers and operations



1. Creates different numerical equations, demonstrating knowledge of addition and subtraction facts and the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction. 


2. Demonstrates an understanding of the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction, and extends known addition and subtraction facts to working additively with two- and three-digit numbers. 


3. Demonstrates understanding of commutativity, equivalence and different ways of partitioning six.  


4. Demonstrates understanding of commutativity, equivalence and different ways of partitioning twelve.  


5. Uses relational thinking to generate equivalent number sentences involving addition.

6. Demonstrates an understanding of the inverse relationship of addition and subtraction, and applies this to generate numerical equations. 

7. Uses an additive rule to generate a sequence of numbers, demonstrating their proficiency with addition facts.  


8. Recognises there are many possible solutions to the problem and reasoning mathematically to support this claim. 

9. Explains alternative ways to generate number patterns using a rule. 


10. Generates a pattern sequence involving subtraction using a rule, demonstrating proficiency with subtraction facts. 


11. Compares and explains the difference between number patterns involving addition and subtraction