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WS01 - Ali di fuoco 3000

Languages, Italian,  Years 5 and 6

By the end of Year 6, students initiate and use strategies to maintain interactions in Italian language that are related to their immediate environment. They use appropriate sound combinations, intonation, and rhythm in spoken texts    . They collaborate in spoken and written activities that involve the language of planning and problem-solving to share information, ideas and preferences. They use strategies to locate and interpret information and ideas in texts, and demonstrate understanding by responding in Italian or English, adjusting their response to context, purpose and audience. They create texts, selecting and using a variety of vocabulary and sentence structures to suit context. They sequence information and ideas, and use conventions appropriate to text type.


Students apply rules for pronunciation and intonation, spelling and punctuation, and modelled structures, when creating and responding in Italian. They compare language structures and features in Italian and English, using some metalanguage. They show understanding of how some language reflects cultural practices and consider how this is reflected in their own language(s), culture(s) and identity.

Communicating meaning in Italian | Creating text in Italian


create and present a range of informative and imaginative, spoken, written and multimodal texts using a variety of modelled sentence structures to sequence information and ideas, and conventions appropriate to text type

Understanding language and culture | Understanding systems of language


apply knowledge of combinations of sounds, syllables, pronunciation and intonation patterns to develop fluency and rhythm to known words and phrases

Understanding language and culture | Understanding systems of language


use knowledge of modelled grammatical structures and formulaic expressions to compose and respond to texts using appropriate punctuation and textual conventions


These annotations are interactive and link to a specific timestamp in the video. x

Creates a descriptive text about an imaginary vehicle.

5 8 1 40

Introduces the imaginary vehicle by name.

9 12 1 40

Agrees gender and colour, for example, nero, giallo.

13 24 1 40

Conjugates verbs in the third person singular in the present tense, for example, viaggia and non viaggia.

26 32 1 40

Describes the parts of the vehicle applying rules of noun plurals to gender of word, for example, due ruote spinose.

33 39 1 40

Pronounces sentences using Italian rhythm and intonation.

40 44 1 40

 Ends presentation appropriately using Ciao grazie.

45 49 1 40

(gentle music)


Buongiorno, mi chiamo... Io ho 11 anni. Questo trasporto si chiama "Ali di fuoco 3000". Questo trasporto è: viola, rosso, rosa, nero, arancione e giallo. Usa fuoco. Questo trasporto viaggia in terra e nel cielo. Non viaggia in acqua. Ha una finestra. Un sedile. Due ruote spinose. E una gran porta grande e ali. Non ha targa. È un camion le ali. Ciao, grazie!


(bright music)