Year 8

Sports Salaries

Students use real NBA salary data to investigate variation and spread. They graph data, calculate means and medians and construct arguments.

This is a classic reSolve sequence aligned with the Australian Curriculum V8.4. It is only available as a downloadable package.


In this sequence, students explore variation in the salaries of NBA players. Using real world data they calculate means and medians, draw graphs, compare findings, and investigate the implications of random sampling.

This sequence is for students who:

  • are familiar with working with measures of central tendency
  • are prepared to critically evaluate and compare datasets with varying medians and means


Lesson 1: Salary Samples

Students are given an NBA “team”, composed of a random sample of 15 NBA players. They graph the spread of salaries in their team and calculate the mean and median salaries. Students discuss how a real NBA team may be different from their randomly sampled teams.

Lesson 2: Working with a Salary Cap

Students are provided with NBA teams’ salary data. They graph the spread of salaries in a single team and calculate the mean and median salaries. Students discuss how real NBA team data differs from their randomly sampled teams.


Last updated April 23 2020.

This is a classic reSolve sequence aligned with the Australian Curriculum V8.4. It is only available as a downloadable package.

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