English / Foundation / Language / Phonics and word knowledge

Curriculum content descriptions

Understand how to use knowledge of letters and sounds including onset and rime to spell words (ACELA1438)

  • recognising the most common sound made by each letter of the alphabet, including consonants and short vowel sounds, for example ‘p-op’
  • breaking words into onset and rime, noticing words that share the same pattern, for example ‘p-at’, ‘b-at’
  • breaking words into onset and rime to learn how to spell words that share the same pattern, for example ‘p-at’, ‘b-at’, ‘t-all’ and ‘f-all’
  • building word families using onset and rime, for example ‘h-ot’, ‘g-ot’, ‘n-ot’, ‘sh-ot’
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
ScOT terms

Spelling,  Syllables


Sample phonics lesson slides - standard

This slide pack is a sample of a phonics lesson for students who have progressed past the initial stages of their phonics learning.


Spelling generalisations

This document outlines spelling generalisations included in the Literacy Hub phonics progression and explains teaching points relating to each one that may be used to support instruction in your systematic, synthetic phonics aligned classroom.


Progress monitoring tools Phases 21-24

These tools support teachers to monitor individual and whole-class student progress in Phases 21-24 of the Literacy hub phonics progression. Each phase has a student reference page and a teacher marking sheet, and instructional notes for the teacher are provided.


Progress monitoring tool Tracker Phases 21-24

This spreadsheet assists teachers to analyse the data collected in progress monitoring tools, to plan next steps for student learning. This file aligns with Phases 21-24 of the Literacy Hub phonics progression.


Phonics lesson slides: Spelling generalisation for letter-sound correspondences ai and ay

This sample slideshow presents a ready-to-use phonics lesson to teach the spelling generalisation for the ai ay spelling pattern, with teacher notes indicating how to teach each part of the lesson.


Phonics lesson student worksheet: Spelling generalisation for ff ll ss zz

This worksheet is for independent student practice of concepts taught in the phonics lesson for the ff ll ss zz spelling pattern (sometimes known as the ‘floss’ rule).


For school leaders: Leading effective practice

This webpage provides information for school leaders on how to drive quality instruction and improve student literacy outcomes. It recommends a range of resources that can be used to support leaders in coaching and mentoring staff in best practice literacy instruction.


For school leaders: Understanding the evidence

This webpage provides information and resources for school leaders about the evidence and research on how students learn to read. It discusses cognitive load theory, explicit instruction, a whole-school curriculum approach, the Big Six of literacy and using a systematic synthetic phonics approach to instruction.


For school leaders: Using data-informed instruction

This webpage provides information and resources for school leaders on how to facilitate the use of data to track student progress and inform instruction.


Sample phonics worksheet - standard

This worksheet accompanies the sample phonics lesson for students who have progressed past the initial stages of their phonics learning.


Progress monitoring tools Phases1-5

These tools support teachers to monitor individual and whole-class student progress in Phases 1-5 of the Literacy hub phonics progression, and instructional notes for the teacher are provided. Each phase has a student reference page and a teacher marking sheet.


Progress monitoring tool tracker Phases 1-5

This spreadsheet assists teachers to analyse the data collected in progress monitoring tools, to plan next steps for student learning. This file aligns with Phases 1–5 of the Literacy Hub phonics progression.


Progress monitoring tool template

This Word template assists teachers to create their own progress monitoring tools to align with a school's phonics progression.


Assessment and intervention for an SSP approach

This self-paced learning module outlines the specific areas of knowledge and skills that are assessed for a systematic synthetic phonics approach to teaching reading and spelling. It explains how this approach to assessment is helpful to identify student needs across the Response to Intervention framework. It contains a ...


Phonics lesson slides: Spelling generalisation for ff ll ss zz

This sample slideshow presents a ready-to-use phonics lesson to teach the spelling generalisation for the ff ll ss zz spelling pattern (sometimes known as the 'floss' rule), with teacher notes indicating how to teach each part of the lesson.


Phonics lesson student worksheet: Spelling generalisation for soft g and soft c

This worksheet is for independent student practice of concepts taught in the phonics lesson for the soft g and soft c sounds (sometimes known as the ‘Gentle Cindy’ rule).


Student learning support

This webpage provides information and resources to support teachers to target specific student learning needs and create an inclusive classroom. It discusses differentiation and inclusion.


Teaching tips for phonics related skills

This short video (2 minutes and 54 seconds) shows two teachers discussing strategies that can be used to support students when they are developing phonics-related skills.


Demonstration of a phonics lesson

This video provides a demonstration of a phonics lesson using explicit instruction principles. It is presented by literacy specialists Elaine Stanley and Rebecca McEwan.


Phonics pair-game template

The pair games and activities in this document can be used as part of your systematic synthetic phonics program to encourage students to develop their phonics skills with peers during independent practice.