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Listed under:  Mathematics  >  Discrete structures  >  Countable sets  >  Cardinality

reSolve: Counting: Handfuls

This lesson focuses on building students' counting skills, particularly their ability to subitise a collection (recognise the number of items in a group without the need to count them) . Students consider ways of structuring a collection so that the total can be quickly identified. They explore different arrangements for ...


Count Us In, Ep 6: Cool ways to count 6 to 10

Dodly and Flynn meet while Flynn is building a model volcano. They count snails and toy dinosaurs and show different ways to represent each of the numbers from six to ten through writing, drawing or sharing between two groups. The Super Seven and others also help out.


Count Us In, Ep 5: Cool ways to count 1 to 5

Watch Dodly and Flynn at the monster fair investigating ways of representing the numbers from one to five. Two is a double, such as in a double scoop of ice-cream. Tally marks and 'tri' are used as representations of three, while four monster apples are shown as 3 and 1 or 2 and 2.


Count Us In, Ep 3: Counting forwards and backwards up to 10

Count with Dodly and Flynn as they count their clay monsters and their toy dinosaur collection. Count a range of animals including kangaroos, butterflies and whales. Even count backwards as they launch a rocket into space.


Count Us In, Ep 4: Ordinal number: first through to sixth

Dodly and Flynn explore counting with ordinal numbers from first through to sixth. Investigate the order of ice-cream on an ice-cream cone, sheep being shorn and playing 'pass the parcel'. Where did the missing birthday cake go? Could it be the prize in pass the parcel?


Count Us In, Ep 1: Comparing and classifying

Explore numbers with Flynn and Dodly as they compare their marble collection, dinosaur toys and the noses on Dodly's pictures. Who has more? Who has less? Who has the same? These are questions often asked during an ordinary day. Help Flynn work out how many dinosaurs Dodly has in his bag. Use the clues that Dodly gives Flynn.


reSolve: Authentic Problems: Tea Party

This sequence of four lessons presents a purposeful context for counting using the context of planning a tea party. Students consider items required for a small party, draw and count the items and then extend this to a larger party for the whole class. Each lesson is outlined in detail including curriculum links, vocabulary, ...


reSolve: Number: One is a Snail

This sequence of lessons explores counting on strategies and early addition skills. Students represent numbers using animals with different numbers of legs and explore how one number can be represented in multiple ways. They also explore the concept of efficiency when comparing various representations. Students are then ...


Collections - comparing and ordering

This is a web resource that includes student activities and games focusing on collections to 20, accompanied by a teacher guide. Activities cover comparing collections using one-to-one correspondence, ordinal numbers with associated positional words and a game based on the traditional Japanese game of ohajiki. The resource ...


TIMES Module 1: Number and Algebra: counting and place value - teacher guide

This is a 16-page guide for teachers. It is a module introducing the concept of place value.


Numbers and counting - Foundation

This is a teacher resource that includes a set of student activities focusing on the numbers to 20, accompanied by copy masters and a detailed teacher guide for each activity. The activities cover the sequence of numbers, number names, 1:1 correspondence and recording and representing numbers, and make a connection to Asian ...


Number trains

Arrange train carriages according to numbers on their sides. The numbers are represented in a range of formats such as words, numerals, dice dots or counting frames. Identify the numbers that come before and after starting numbers. Begin with numbers up to ten. Move on to work with larger numbers such as 40 and 50. Practise ...