Science / Year 1 / Science Understanding / Biological sciences

Curriculum content descriptions

Living things have a variety of external features (ACSSU017)

  • recognising common features of animals such as head, legs and wings
  • describing the use of animal body parts for particular purposes such as moving and feeding
  • identifying common features of plants such as leaves and roots
  • describing the use of plant parts for particular purposes such as making food and obtaining water
ScOT terms

Plant structure and function,  Animal structure and function


Feathers, Fur and Fins: Observing a sugar glider

Don Spencer shows us a small mammal called a sugar glider. Take a close look at its big eyes and furry tail. See it glide through the air from tree to tree. Watch the sugar glider eat. Learn how it got its name.


For the Juniors: Where does honey come from?

Discover where honey comes from. Learn how and why honey is made and how we get different types of honey. See what daily life is like in a bee colony.


Feathers, Fur and Fins: Observing a goanna

Take a close look at the largest of Australia's lizards, the goanna. It is also called a monitor lizard. Observe (look carefully at) these scaly reptiles as Don Spencer describes their features.


For the Juniors: Keeping cool in hot weather

Have you ever wondered why your face turns red when you run around? Discover what's going on under your skin when this happens, and how this helps you keep cool. See some of the clever ways that animals keep cool, too.


Pet Superstars: Can you train a blue-tongue lizard to do tricks?

Meet Coco and Yoshi, two blue-tongue lizards. Isabel says they make great pets. Find out what Isabel likes about them and how she cares for them. Discover how she gets Yoshi to complete a daring trick! See how a snail helps!


Feathers, Fur and Fins: Observing a shark

Don Spencer shows us one of the world's most fearsome creatures, the white pointer shark. Take a close look at the shark's teeth and jaws. Discover how the shark moves so quickly underwater.


Feathers, Fur and Fins: Observing a platypus

Meet one of the world's most amazing creatures. Listen as Don Spencer describes the features of a platypus. Watch a platypus clean itself and then swim under water to search for food. See what type of animal the platypus catches and feeds on by the water's edge.


Feathers, Fur and Fins: Observing an echidna

Join Don Spencer as he looks closely at an echidna. Observe the body parts and covering of this unique Australian mammal. Find out what the echidna eats. Watch it move around in its natural habitat.


Feathers, Fur and Fins: Observing a kookaburra

Watch a wild kookaburra being fed by hand. Don Spencer handles an injured kookaburra that is being nursed to health. It will be set free once it is well again. See where kookaburras make their homes. Listen to their laughing call.


Feathers, Fur and Fins: Observing a flying fox

Take a close look at the flying mammal called the flying fox, or fruit bat. Watch these furry flyers as they leave their roosts to find food. Discover how and why they climb trees. See how these animals fly like birds but are not birds.


Pet Superstars: Ferreting around

Meet Will and his two pet ferrets, Lemony and Snicket. Learn how Will cares for these two animal acrobats. Find out about some challenges he faces in having ferrets around the house.


For the Juniors: A poem about taste

Imagine what life would be like if you couldn't taste anything. This rhyming poem will help you think about the importance of our sense of taste.


Feathers, Fur and Fins: Observing a swan

Join Don Spencer as he observes (looks carefully at) a black swan. Discover a surprise under this bird's black outer feathers. Watch how differently the swan moves on land and in water.


Pet Superstars: Guinea pig superstar

Meet Larissa and her guinea pig called 'Superstar'. Learn how Larissa cares for her guinea pig pets and what her dream is. Find out what makes Superstar a superstar pet.


Pet Superstars: This cocky rocks

Meet Max and Cocky, his pet sulphur-crested cockatoo. Discover how Max handles his cheeky pet. Find out what body part he uses that has earned him the title 'the destroyer'.


For the Juniors: Breathing under the water

What would it be like to breathe under water? See the equipment humans use to help them swim under water. Find out about the special features fish have that help them 'breathe' under water.


For the Juniors: Fish from the ocean to table

Have you ever eaten fish for dinner? This clip tells the story of how fish come from the sea to your plate. See how fish are caught, bought and sold. Watch a fish being cut into fillets and find out what happens to the bits we don't eat.


For the Juniors: Why do cows make milk?

Have you ever wondered why cows make milk? In this clip you will learn the answer to this question. You will also see how cows are milked in a large dairy. Join Bill, a dairy farmer, as he tends to his herd of dairy cows.


For the Juniors: Hand-milking cows

Discover how people milked cows before milking machines existed. Do you think you could milk a cow by hand? Watch this short clip to find out how it's done. Look at the special features (parts) of cows that store their milk and release it during milking.


Feathers, Fur and Fins: Observing an emu

Join Don Spencer as he describes the emu, one of the biggest birds in the world. Watch emus searching for food and taking care of their eggs. Discover what makes the emu different from most other birds.