F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
Your search returned 61 results
Imagine a plant that lives in mud and is soaked in sea water twice a day. Find out how mangroves thrive in conditions that would kill other plants. View the amazing adaptations that make mangroves such special plants.
Leaves come in many shapes, sizes, colours and textures. Watch this clip to discover how leaves make their own food and transport energy to the rest of the plant. See how they can even be useful after they've fallen to the ground. Presenter Nick Hardcastle and some young helpers will also show you a fun, creative activity ...
Figuring out how to clean up contaminated rivers is a big challenge. It's also tricky to work out where the most contaminated parts of a river system are and whether its fish are safe to eat. Watch this video and learn how engineering has helped to solve these problems. Why do you think engineers looked to the bottom of ...
Have you ever heard of the 'sausage tree' or the 'dragon blood tree'? Watch this clip to find out about these and many other types of trees. Explore how they grow and why they are important. Presenter Nick Hardcastle will also show you how to plant a tree and grow a bonsai tree.
This is a detailed plan for teaching a unit on endangered species - marine turtles. It includes a unit outline, overview and aim, learning outcomes, inquiry questions, background information about the marine turtles, lesson plans and a guide to assessment. The lesson sequence is based on the inquiry based 5Es approach to ...
Chickens are fascinating animals and provide students with an interesting subject matter to discuss the many aspects of our living world. This interactive course for students explores the question 'How do we create food and fibre products from animals and plants?' and comprises a series of modules and supporting videos. ...
Find out how a school uses stormwater to create a wetland habitat for native plants. Josh Byrne visits Swan Valley Anglican School to observe the growth of their vegetable garden and to help out in the creation of the wetland. Discover what plants are best for a wetland habitat and how it will increase biodiversity and ...
Meet Kai the alpaca, an animal that is a bit like a camel. Listen as Cassandra talks about the alpaca's fleece (body covering), how it lives in herds and what it eats. See the two types of alpaca breed: Huacaya and Suri. How are they different? The clue is in their fleece.
Discover what vegetables the students at Swan Valley Anglican School choose to grow first in their new school garden. In this clip, Josh Byrne is helping students to transform a bare patch of ground into a productive garden. Find out about the landscaping materials they use, and why particular plants, including natives, ...
View descriptions of Victorian fauna together with maps of distribution, images and endangered species rating. Animals are grouped by mammals, reptiles, fishes, amphibians, birds or insects and other invertebrates. Info pages include images and animal sounds. Free when reviewed on 26/08/2024.
View descriptions of Northern Territory fauna together with maps of distribution, images and endangered species rating. Animals are grouped by mammals, reptiles, fishes, amphibians, birds or insects and other invertebrates. Info pages include images and animal sounds. Free when reviewed on 26/08/2024.
This is a colour graphic representing the energy and nutrient flow in a simple food chain. The Sun and organisms making up the food chain are represented in diagrammatic form. The graphic is labelled and a key to the colour-coding of energy and nutrient flows is included.
Can you imagine a world without flowers? Flowers add colour, scent and beauty to our world. But why do plants make them? Discover the real purpose of flowers and how they do their job.
Learn how high levels of toxic sediments in Sydney Harbour have destroyed as much as 40 per cent of its invertebrates. Find out the main source of toxins. Learn how toxins become trapped in the sediment and distributed across the Harbour. Observe the devastating effects of toxic sediments on the food chain in 2010, when ...
Explore how chemical pollutants affect the Antarctic food web. A scientist shows that baleen whales are consuming Antarctic krill contaminated by accumulated residues of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from pesticides and industrial chemicals. Find out why these pollutants are concentrated at the Earth's polar regions.
Discover what threatens a native Australian predator and how scientists are hoping to save it from extinction. This clip about quolls in the Northern Territory describes the causes of its decline and a rescue strategy to save it from extinction. The strategy has a surprising twist - it features the very thing that is threatening ...
Discover how a primary school is working with local environmental groups to clean up the local creek and promote the return of native animals. View this clip called 'A fishy story!', created by young reporters from Willunga Primary School, South Australia. The clip was developed as part of the ABC Splash Live 'Making the ...
Can you imagine seeing porpoises leaping out of the water in a river near you? Sounds unlikely, doesn't it, but that's what people living along the banks of the Yangtze River in China often used to see. These Yangtze finless porpoises are now rapidly disappearing. Find out why and what Chinese scientist Professor Wang Ding ...
View descriptions of NSW fauna together with maps of distribution, images and endangered species rating. Animals are grouped by mammals, reptiles, fishes, amphibians, birds or insects and other invertebrates. Info pages include images and animal sounds. Free when reviewed on 26/08/2024.
View descriptions of Queensland fauna together with maps of distribution, images and endangered species rating. Animals are grouped by mammals, reptiles, fishes, amphibians, birds or insects and other invertebrates. Info pages include images and animal sounds. Free when reviewed on 26/08/2024.