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Listed under:  Mathematics  >  Number (Mathematics)

TIMES Module 36: Number and Algebra: formulas - teacher guide

This is a 13-page guide for teachers. It introduces the use of formulas, and includes substitution and the solution of the resulting equations.


TIMES Module 34: Number and Algebra: quadratic equations - teacher guide

This is a 19-page guide for teachers. It introduces quadratic equations and methods for solving them.


TIMES Module 35: Number and Algebra: the quadratic function - teacher guide

This is a 29-page guide for teachers. It introduces graphing of quadratic functions.


TIMES Module 31: Number and Algebra: indices and logarithms - teacher guide

This is a 26-page guide for teachers. It extends the study of indices to rational indices and introduces logarithms.


Yulunga: segur etug

This is a guessing game that originates from Mer Island in the Torres Strait region. It is a number-guessing game. The Yulunga: Traditional Indigenous Games resource was developed to provide all Australians with a greater understanding and appreciation of Indigenous culture by celebrating the games that Indigenous Australians ...


Place Value: Lolly Shop

This sequence of 6 tasks explores the mathematical idea of '10 of these is equal to one of those'. Students explore through the context of a Lolly Shop as Ms Fizz counts and packs the lollies that she sells. They work with their own lollies and explore different ways that they might pack them to make it easy to count. The ...


Place Value: reSolve Garden

This sequence of 5 tasks explores the idea that 10 ones are equal to a unit of 1 ten. Students explore through the context of a garden as Mr Sprout the gardener packs and plants his seeds. Students have multiple experiences of stacking, of grouping, and of bundling as they make sense of this idea. Professional learning ...


Number: Taking handfuls

This sequence of 6 tasks explores relationships between numbers 1 to 20 through subitising, comparison, and using 5 and 10 as benchmarks. Students organise collections and use subitisable patterns to help count the total in their collection. Students also compare their collection with a friend to see who has more and who ...


Number Walk Rich Task - Calculate

This downloadable lesson resource introduces the concept of ‘Number Walks’: taking a stroll with the class or group around the school or the local neighbourhood. Guided by the teacher, students note down anything they see that relates back to their understanding of the topic and then conduct a plenary session back in the ...


Targeted Early Numeracy

This teacher resource describes a New South Wales strategy to support early years teachers in improving numeracy outcomes for Foundation to year 2 students likely to perform at or below the national minimum standard in numeracy in year 3. The intervention program involved professional learning for Targeted Early Numeracy ...


Numeracy improvement at Wallaroo Mines Primary School

This teacher resource describes strategies used in a whole-school initiative to improve numeracy outcomes in Wallaroo Mines Primary School, South Australia. The school used a coaching strategy - along with the Big Ideas in Number strategy (Siemon 2006). The strategies included diagnostic tools, teacher professional learning, ...


Scaffolding pedagogy: improving mathematics teaching and learning

This is a teacher resource describing an initiative to build the mathematics content knowledge and pedagogies of teachers to improve numeracy learning outcomes for Aboriginal students in four primary schools. It describes the method used including the development of teachers' content knowledge of number through the Big ...


Changing the culture: a numeracy tutorial program

This teacher resource describes strategies used to improve numeracy outcomes for Foundation to year 6 students at Carey Baptist College, Perth. The strategies include a numeracy assessment tool developed by a maths curriculum coordinator to identify students who needed to improve their understanding of measurement and number. ...


Making a positive difference in numeracy

This teacher resource describes strategies used in a whole-school initiative to improve numeracy outcomes in Two Wells Primary School, South Australia. Strategies include: using a numeracy coach to help implement the Big Ideas in Number program (Siemon 2006); using diagnostic tools to identify students needing numeracy ...


Improving mental computation skills in middle years students

This teacher resource describes a strategy to build the pedagogy of teachers to support the numeracy skills of students in years 3-8 in selected schools in the ACT. The resource describes the Middle Years Mental Computation (MYMC) strategy, including the MYMC assessment tool and professional learning modules. It explains ...


The Hume Region Numeracy Strategy at Seymour College

This teacher resource describes strategies used to improve number fluency for Foundation to year 6 students at Seymour College, Victoria, using an approach based on the Hume Region Numeracy Strategy 2008-09. The strategies include collecting data using the Hume Numeracy Assessment Tool along with individual interviews, ...


Using visual tools to assist low achievers with mental computation

This teacher resource describes a case study investigating the use of visual tools to enhance mental computation by year 4 students who achieved poor results on the National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) numeracy test, at St Monica's Primary School, Canberra. The method section describes the use of ...