Health and physical education / Year 7 and 8 / Movement and Physical Activity / Moving our body

Curriculum content descriptions

Use feedback to improve body control and coordination when performing specialised movement skills in a variety of situations (ACPMP080)

  • analysing their own and others’ performance using ICT and implementing feedback to enhance performance
  • participating in activities where vision is compromised to demonstrate the importance of auditory feedback
  • using visual and kinaesthetic feedback when coordinating eye–hand and eye–foot movements to control different pieces of equipment
  • designing and performing movement sequences to create, use and defend space
  • composing and performing a group dance sequence in response to a piece of music or other stimuli
  • travelling, marking and intercepting to achieve and retain possession
  • designing and performing movement sequences to travel around, over, under and through natural or built obstacles
General capabilities
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
ScOT terms

Human movement,  Motivation

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