English / Foundation / Literacy / Interacting with others

Curriculum content descriptions

Use interaction skills including listening while others speak, using appropriate voice levels, articulation and body language, gestures and eye contact (ACELY1784)

  • learning how to use different voice levels appropriate to a situation, for example learning about ‘inside voices’ and ‘outside voices’
  • learning to ask questions and provide answers that are more than one or two words
  • participating in speaking and listening situations, exchanging ideas with peers in pairs and small groups and engaging in class discussions, listening to others and contributing ideas
  • showing understanding of appropriate listening behaviour, such as listening without interrupting, and looking at the speaker if culturally appropriate
  • listening and responding to oral and multimodal texts including rhymes and poems, texts read aloud and various types of digital texts
  • engaging in conversations with peers and adults in home language or dialect
  • asking and answering questions using appropriate intonation
  • speaking so that the student can be heard and understood
  • altering volume for inside and outside situations and when speaking to an audience
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
ScOT terms

Speaking,  Nonverbal communication


Artefact chat: Foundation

This sequence of activities establishes the concepts of artefacts, and oral history through prior knowledge and experience, personal interests and the familiar. Students then generalise about what an artefact is and practise how to describe an artefact and think creatively about it. Students also learn about interview grammar, ...


Seasons and jobs on the farm

In this resource, students learn about the features of seasons on farms and the jobs that occur because of the changing conditions. This lesson is part of a sequence of lessons that can be used with this age-group of students. Topics include Seasons and jobs on the farm; Who lives on the farm?; People on the farm; Past, ...


Resources to support reading at home

This information is ideal for educating families about ways they can support their child's reading development at home. It includes links to a range of helpful resources.


Do we need a train at Chullora? – Early Stage 1

This inquiry-based unit of work was created, trialled and peer reviewed as part of a professional learning program in inquiry-based learning for school teachers. The professional learning courses were part of a pilot partnership between the NSW Government’s Sydney Metro transport agency and Western Sydney University.


Syllabus bites: types of sentences

A web page resource with information, teacher guides and activities on types of sentences to support the Australian Curriculum in English K–10. It has detailed activities, links to resources and quizzes.


Phonics progressions and phonemic awareness: coaching webinar questions

Literacy specialists Rebecca McEwan and Elaine Stanley present this question and answer session about using a phonics progression and developing phonemic awareness.


Talking Time: an exploration of time - how we change over time

This integrated lesson sequence that explores the concept and language of time and then moves to using sources and artefacts to show their own personal history. Students will share personal artefacts and those shared from their families to explore concepts of time, history and change.


Being a good commuter

In this series of lessons, students explore the concepts of good and bad behaviours and the consequences of outcomes of those behaviours. The resource focuses on the range of public transport available in the students' locality. Students share experiences of public transport and consider behaviours that would improve travel ...


Explicit instruction for phonics - an instructional model: coaching webinar questions

Literacy specialists Rebecca McEwan and Elaine Stanley present this question and answer session about using explicit instruction principles within your phonics lesson.


Explicit instruction of phonics - an instructional model Q&A

This Q&A webinar extract answers questions from teachers and school leaders about explicit instruction for phonics instruction.


Explicit instruction for phonics overview

This video provides an overview of a phonics instructional model for reading and spelling. It is presented by literacy specialists Elaine Stanley and Rebecca McEwan.


Demonstration of a phonics lesson

This video provides a demonstration of a phonics lesson using explicit instruction principles. It is presented by literacy specialists Elaine Stanley and Rebecca McEwan.


Demonstration of a daily review

This video provides a demonstration of a phonics daily review using explicit instruction principles. It is presented by literacy specialists Elaine Stanley and Rebecca McEwan.


Phonics progressions and phonemic awareness: Q&A webinar questions.

This extract of a Q&A webinar answers questions from teachers and school leaders about using a phonics progression and developing phonemic awareness.


Following an evidence-based phonics progression

Literacy specialist Elaine Stanley presents this webinar extract. She provides an overview of the key elements of a quality, evidence-based phonics progression and explains how to follow a phonics progression in your classroom.


Phonological and phonemic awareness overview.

Literacy specialist Rebecca McEwan presents this webinar extract about phonological and phonemic awareness, and why it play an important role in phonics lessons.


Phonological and phonemic awareness lesson activities

Literacy specialist Rebecca McEwan presents this webinar extract about how to include phonological and phonemic awareness activities in your whole-class or small-group phonics lessons.


Explicit instruction for phonics - an instructional model

This self-paced learning module explains the principles of explicit instruction, and outlines an instructional model for reading and spelling, with practical guidance for implementation. It contains a webinar, free downloadable resources and further professional reading. It is the second of seven professional learning modules ...


TrackSAFE Education Primary School Resources: Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 English

This unit of work focuses on developing student understanding of the importance of being track safe and the key message 'Stop, Look, Listen, Think'. It builds students' familiarity with the vocabulary and key concepts related to rail safety and provides differentiated activities for writers at different stages of development ...


'Incy Wincy Spider' sung by Teddy Rock

Watch and listen to Buzz, Belle and Bop perform the traditional nursery rhyme 'Incy Wincy Spider' in this animated music video. Use the rhyme, sung with a rock beat by Teddy Rock, to discuss, order and retell events.