History / Year 10 / Historical Skills / Explanation and communication

Curriculum content descriptions

Select and use a range of communication forms (oral, graphic, written) and digital technologies (ACHHS193)

  • designing a poster that outlines the main arguments against French nuclear testing in the Pacific and explaining the nature and reliability of the sources used to construct the poster
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
ScOT terms

Oral presentations,  Creating texts,  Report writing


Sydney Opera House: Construction launch

In what ways can a building reflect the aspirations of the society around it? The design and construction of the Sydney Opera House took place between 1957 and 1973. This short, silent clip shows part of the ceremony marking the commencement of the building's construction. This was a period of political and economic transition, ...


Laptop wrap – the Stolen Generations

A page with a focus on the experiences of the Stolen Generations with supporting activities and links to resources.


Building the Sydney Opera House

Construction of the Sydney Opera House began in 1959. The Opera House was intended to be more than a building; it was meant to be a landmark that would put Sydney on the world map as a centre of culture. In this short, silent clip, discover some of the work that went into constructing this huge, unique and very complex building.


Thinkabout, Talkabout: Getting around town during the war years

During a fuel crisis, how do most people get around? In Australia during World War II, fuel was rationed (restricted so that people could buy only limited amounts), as it was in very short supply. Car parts were also in limited supply, so they were hard to replace. Hear some accounts of that time and watch footage from ...


Banjo Morton: the untold story

In 1949, after many years of being paid only in rations, Banjo Morton and seven other Alyawarra men decided they wanted proper wages for their work as stockmen and station hands at the Lake Nash cattle station in the Northern Territory. They walked off in protest. This rich media site records the history of that protest ...


Depth study 3 – Australians at war (part 2) World War II (1939-1945)

This is a student-led history learning sequence, where students review the causes of the World War II, why men enlisted and where Australians fought. Students create a series of pages (digital or paper) to explain the chronology of events or problems from the end of World War I in 1918 to the outbreak of World War II in 1939.


Depth Study 4 – Rights and freedoms

This is a series of lessons that guides students to complete an inquiry into the changing nature of rights and freedoms in Australia including the struggle of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for rights and freedoms before 1965.


History skills

This unit consists of teacher support materials and resources for students relevant to the development of a historical inquiry. Students will develop skills of historical research in their community leading to the creation of a digital history resource. The videos provided in the student resources highlight how a variety ...


Historical Landmarks

In this unit, students engage with the knowledge shared by Elders and Custodians regarding their perspectives of the 26th January in Australia. They investigate how European colonists acquired land in the 1770s. They reflect on the Frontier Wars and how these may have shaped Australian society, with a focus on place names ...


Work sample Year 10 History: Building Modern Australia (Perspectives on an event)

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 10 History. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation of ...


Work sample Year 10 History: Second World War

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 10 History. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation of ...


Bollywood spices up Aussie filmmaking

This learning sequence explores the global popularity of Bollywood, and how it has been incorporated in films by two Australian directors. Through analysis of two famous Bollywood films with ties to Australia, students refine their understanding of the genre's characteristics and develop an historic argument using the primary ...


Different views

This resource will encourage students to develop their understanding of the first contact of the Aboriginal people of Kamay Botany Bay and the men aboard the HMB Endeavour in 1770. This resource is one part of the 'Endeavour – eight days in Kamay' resource.


Foreign Correspondent: Uncovering a chapter of the Holocaust

What happened to the Jewish population of Vienna, Austria's capital, during World War II? Its members were among the estimated six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust. In this clip from 2007, find out about the prolonged campaign of historian Tina Walzer to reclaim Vienna's Jewish heritage. The clip is the first of two.


The first modern humans in south-east Asia

This is a multilayered resource about the theories and evidence of the origins of the first modern humans in south-east Asia. It has four sections: Theories; The sout-heast Asian fossil record; The appearance of sout-heast Asian features; and The first modern Indonesians. The Related sections, Related items and Related ...


Site study – Ypres Salient

This resource is a digital site study of the Ypres Salient, using videos made with modern footage of Ypres and contemporary footage and images from the First World War. Each video has before, after and extension activities designed to meet the Stage 5 History: Core Study – Depth Study 3 outcomes around the scope and nature ...


Journeys and Connections

This resource displays objects related to stories of migration to Australia. Students locate and research relevant objects in their own community and create a digital story of migration. The resource uses objects from the Australian Journeys exhibition at the National Museum of Australia.


Four Corners: Surfies, clubbies and a changing way of life

What effect did the rise of surfboard riding and its accompanying surf culture have on surf lifesaving? In the early 1960s, surf lifesaving was regarded as a model of the values that underpin the Australian way of life. This clip from 1964 explores the collision between the new surf culture and the traditions of the surf ...


Foreign Correspondent: Legacy of Nazism in modern Vienna

Why did Nazis in Austria dig up hundreds of human remains from graves in Vienna's Währing Jewish cemetery? Join reporter Mark Corcoran as he visits a Viennese museum to search for the remains of an 18th-century Jewish baroness. He makes some disturbing discoveries there. This clip from 2007 is the second of two.


The Fall of Singapore: The fall of Singapore, February 1942

Experience the shock and despair of Australian soldiers on the island of Singapore in February 1942, as Japanese forces invade what was held to be Britain's 'island fortress'. This video follows events from 8 February, when many thousands of Japanese launched attacks from the tip of Malaya, up to 15 February when the British ...