Mathematics / Year 8 / Statistics and Probability / Data representation and interpretation

Curriculum content descriptions

Investigate the effect of individual data values, including outliers, on the mean and median (ACMSP207)

  • using displays of data to explore and investigate effects
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Numeracy Numeracy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Mean,  Median,  Variance


Can you guess the weight of Uluru?

What is the "wisdom of a crowd"? Mathematician Lily Serna investigates a mathematical phenomenon that suggests that if you have a large enough crowd, with a broad variety of people making estimates, then the mean (average) answer of the crowd will be accurate! Find out if a crowd can guess the weight of Uluru from the ground ...


Life expectancy PowerPoint

This teacher resource is a PowerPoint presentation designed to address common student misunderstandings about life expectancy. It emphasises that life expectancy is an average, that most people live for much longer or shorter than their life expectancy and that, when life expectancy is low, it is mostly because of a very ...


Statistics and Probability - data representation and interpretation (Dairy Herd Data)

This is a teacher resource about investigating and interpreting data relating to dairy farm milk yields, and contains two work tasks including an extension task, data sets, student worksheets to assess learning, and background information. This resource, produced by Agrifood Skills Australia, is part of the Agriculture ...


reSolve: Sports Salaries

This sequence of two lessons explores data sampling methods and measures of spread applied to a real world context of sporting teams. Students explore variation in the salaries of NBA players using real world data. They calculate means and medians, draw graphs, compare findings, and investigate the implications of obtaining ...


The Lives of Presidents

This resource is a web page containing an investigative task that involves the analysis of data. Data about Presidents of the United States of America in the form of a spreadsheet is provided. Create your own questions for inquiry the sort the spreadsheet by relevant criteria. A 'Getting started' and 'Solutions' page ...


Olympic Triathlon

This resource is a web page containing an investigative task that involves the analysis of data. Data from Olympic Triathlon in the form of a spreadsheet is provided. Sort the results in various ways, work out averages and measures of spread, or plot some graphs to test correlations between times for individual events ...


About Average

This resource is a web page containing a set of questions about mean, median and mode. Rather than work out the mean, median and mode from a data set, these questions require students to apply their understanding and reasoning to work out the answer. A 'Solution' is also available to support the task. This resource is an ...


Solar energy installations

This lesson uses data about solar energy installations to investigate data analysis. The dataset shows how many solar systems were installed, in each postcode, from 2001 to 2016. It is a useful way to understand how to explore and characterise datasets as well as to explore the use of data in the media. This lesson was ...


Humpback whales: what the data reveals

The lesson follows an inquiry process where students use the dataset to answer relevant questions about the whale population. They consider what other data they would need in order to effectively examine the impact on humpback whales of sonar activity and noise from development.


Australia's population: countries of birth - dataset

The dataset provides statistics about the estimated resident population, median age and sex ratio by countries of birth for the latest year of available data. It is periodically updated by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The dataset is included in the list of related datasets on the page in MS Excel format.


Sampling from a population

This is a website designed for both teachers and students that refers to sampling from a population and taking a census from the Australian Curriculum for year 8 students. It contains material on cross-sections of sampling and how the means and proportions of samples vary. There are pages for both teachers and students. ...


Secondary mathematics: using real data

These seven learning activities, which focus on the use of 'real data' using a variety of tools (software) and devices (hardware), illustrate the ways in which content, pedagogy and technology can be successfully and effectively integrated in order to promote learning. In the activities, teachers use the three content strands ...