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Listed under:  Mathematics  >  Number (Mathematics)  >  Proportions  >  Simple fractions  >  Denominators  >  Related denominators

Fraction basics - Easy & Effective Fractions Tutor - iTunes app

Learn about the core concepts of fractions through 12 animated clips. View the clips on the topic that you want to learn about. These clips will help build a string foundation in fractions. Free when reviewed on 12/5/2015.


Fractions in the real world

How many quarters make up a whole? Watch this video to find out how else you can represent 2/4 and how to add up quarters to make a whole.


BTN: What is the GST?

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a tax placed on things people buy with money or things people do for money. Can you name some goods and services that have GST? What about some goods and services that don't have GST? Find out when and why the GST was first introduced.


reSolve: Authentic Problems: Expanded Square

This sequence of four lessons explores concepts around informal area and symmetry. Students design an 'expanded square' where approximately half the area of the original square is flipped to the outside. The lessons provide opportunities for students to devise and use methods to informally measure area, record their mathematical ...


reSolve: Fraction Benchmarks

This sequence of two lessons focuses on the idea that fractions are numbers and builds students' understanding of the relative sizes of fractions. Students build their fractional sense through determining if fractions are closest to 0, 1/2 or 1. In the first lesson, students use sets of fraction cards to sort fractions ...


What is a quarter?

What is a quarter? You get quarters when you divide a whole into four equal parts. Each one of these four parts is a quarter. Watch this great explainer produced by Monique in collaboration with ABC Splash and see how she explains quarters.


Percentage discounts

This is a website designed for both teachers and students that refers to making connections between percentages, decimals and fractions, as well as calculating percentages and percentage discounts from the Australian Curriculum for year 6 students. It contains material on calculating percentages of an amount and calculating ...


reSolve: Reconciliation data

This lesson prompts students to examine data from the Reconciliation Barometer report, collect their own local data and compare with the national findings. Students discuss the meaning of reconciliation, explore statements from Reconciliation Barometer report, design a survey to collect local data relating to the statements ...



This is a website designed for both teachers and students that addresses components of the arithmetic of fractions. It is particularly relevant for comparison and addition and subtraction of fractions with related denominators. It also contains material on finding a fraction of a quantity where the result is a whole number. ...


Connecting fractions, decimals and percentages

This is a website designed for both teachers and students that addresses the connections between fractions, decimals and percentages from the Australian Curriculum for year 6 students. It contains material on the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages and helps students understand that although there are ...


Fractions: Year 5 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 5 is for the topic of Fractions. Students utilise their understanding of the magnitude of fractions to add and subtract a variety of fractions. Students need to be able to understand fraction notation (e.g. the meaning of the numerator and denominator) and represent repeated addition and ...


Pattern & Algebra Year 5 - Calculate

The focus of this activity is to discover if students can interpret information in a table and use fractions (with the same denominator) to represent different amounts. We want to encourage students to use what they know about to interpret the information in the table before applying their understanding of fractions.


Fractions: Year 6 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 6 is for the topic of Fractions. Students develop increasingly efficient strategies for adding and subtracting fractions with related and unrelated denominators. They develop conceptual understanding by being given opportunities to estimate before computation and justify their thinking. They ...


Number sequence: Year 5 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 5 is for the topic of Number sequence. Students compare and order fractions and mixed numbers with the same and related denominators and demonstrate their understanding of the values of fractions on a number line.


Fractions and decimals: Year 4 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 4 is for the topic of Fractions and decimals. Students continue working with the big idea of fraction equivalence and demonstrate their ability to express a part of a whole as being the same as other parts of a whole (e.g. one half is the same as 4 eighths).


Fraction fiddle: hit the apple

Help an archer to hit an apple with his arrow. Build two fractions to make a total of one whole. Complete the numerators of both fractions (they may have fixed denominators). For example, work out how many quarters and how many eighths can be added together to total one whole. Look at fraction bars and a number line to ...