F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
Your search returned 26 results
Take a journey with two 2013 Sleek Geeks Eureka Science Schools Prize finalists, as they present their take on the history of steam power. See how they link steam power, the properties of water and the way energy is converted. WARNING: if flickering light affects you, you may be best to avoid watching this video.
Want to do a simple science experiment that works just like a magic trick? Watch the Surfing Scientist to find out how. He creates a pattern made up of regular shapes by dissolving coated chocolate buttons.
Doctor Ruby and Bunsen Bernie are bubble hunters in search of the mysterious Anti-Bubble. Before they can enter into the Chamber of the Anti-Bubble, they must pass three challenging bubble tests. This is part one of a two-part episode.
Imagine making your very own lava lamp using materials from your kitchen and bathroom. Watch the Surfing Scientist team show you how it can be done, then try and figure out why it works.
All substances are made up of tiny particles. A change in temperature can change the way these particles behave. Watch as the Surfing Scientist demonstrates how a gas behaves when it is heated. Find out whether the balloon gets sucked or pushed into the bottle!
Nitrogen gas makes up 80% of the air we breathe, and if we cool the nitrogen gas down to minus 196 Celcius and squash it down we can turn it into liquid nitrogen. This liquid takes up much less space than it did as a gas. When we warm up liquid nitrogen it will turn back into a gas and take up more room, so what happens ...
This resource explains how to make slime using cornflour to produce something called a non-Newtonian fluid. A non-Newtonian fluid is a substance which has properties of a liquid and a solid. This means it can flow like a liquid, but also can have a set shape. It all depends on the amount of force you apply to it. In this ...
Explore with the Surfing Scientist team what happens when metals are heated and cooled. Find out what happens to a metal ring when it is immersed in extremely cold liquid nitrogen. What do hinges on the Sydney Harbour Bridge have to do with all this? Find out.
Discover what density is and how you can test the density of liquids. You will also find out about salt water and how its density is responsible for the circulation of water around the world's oceans.
Bernie and Ruben show you how to make four do-it-yourself (DIY) science toys. Learn how to make a balancing tightrope walker, a lava lamp, a spinning spiral decoration and a cardboard boomerang. You might need some help with a few things.
Watch what happens in this pepper scatter experiment by Surfing Scientist, Ruben Meerman. Ruben demonstrates an important property of water, surface tension, by dipping a toothpick into water sprinkled with pepper. Find out what happens when detergent is added.
To answer the question 'Are glass eyes really made of glass?' Peter Rowsthorn visits an ocularist who makes artificial eyes. Join him as he investigates how these eyes are made. Witness the skill of an ocularist, Jenny Geelen, as she creates an artificial eye to match Pete's existing eyes.
Substances exist in different states depending on the temperature. Watch the Surfing Scientist have a popping good time as he demonstrates this phenomenon. Don't forget to block your ears!
Imagine trying to pick up a slippery ice cube with just a piece of string. Watch the Surfing Scientist team demonstrate how it can be done, using a surprising additive.
Bubble-hunters Doctor Ruby and Bunsen Bernie have to solve just one more challenging bubble test before they can enter the Chamber of the Anti-Bubble. They have to make a cubic bubble! This is part two of a two-part episode.
Can you imagine a liquid that turns into a gas at minus 196 degrees Celsius? Watch as the Surfing Scientist explores the change in properties of liquid nitrogen as it evaporates in a series of experiments that go 'pop'!
Try some hands on investigations that relate to learning about the Sun. Follow step-by-step procedures, read through explanations to find out why things happened and also view related video clips. Free when reviewed on 12/5/2015.
Have you ever seen someone create a rocket using a soft drink bottle? In this clip, Surfing Scientist Ruben Meerman attempts to 'supersize science'. You will find out how he made a model rocket and see slow-motion footage of the rocket as it shoots up into the sky.
This resource contains lessons plans containing instructions and teachers' notes for an activity based on a chemical reaction that occurs when a soluble aspirin tablet dissolves and the fact that oil and water do not mix are used to create a model of a lava lamp. Students have fun while they learn about density of fluids. ...
This resource contains a materials and instruction list and brief explanation for students about the process of relighting a candle. This activity is most likely to be done as a teacher demonstration for safety and classroom management reasons, particularly at primary school level. Do this experiment to learn how a candle ...