English / Foundation / Literacy / Interpreting, analysing, evaluating

Curriculum content descriptions

Read decodable and predictable texts, practising phrasing and fluency, and monitor meaning using concepts about print and emerging contextual, semantic, grammatical and phonic knowledge (ACELY1649)

  • navigating a text correctly, starting at the right place and reading in the right direction, returning to the next line as needed, matching one spoken word to one written word
  • reading aloud with attempts at fluency and intonation
  • attempting to work out unknown words by combining contextual, semantic, grammatical and phonic knowledge
  • predicting what might happen on the basis of experience of this kind of text; at the sentence level predicting the meaning on the basis of syntax and word meaning
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
ScOT terms

Reading,  Phonics,  Word attack


Storyboard: Flutter-by friends!

Explore the title and picture on the cover of 'Flutter-by friends!' Then make a prediction about the storyline. Listen to the story and follow as each word is underlined. Find out if your prediction matches the storyline. Put the jumbled events of the story in the right order.


Language, learning and literacy in the early years

This teacher resource describes the Language, Learning and Literacy (L3) program implemented in New South Wales public schools to address early disparities in children's language, reading and writing. Organised in nine sections: Summary; Target student group; Method; Results; Next steps; Lessons learned; Research base; ...


Focused Improvement in Early Literacy Development (FIELD)

This teacher resource describes an evidence-based strategy in which eight disadvantaged metropolitan schools and 12 remote schools in Western Australia assessed the oral English language and emergent literacy development of their pre-primary (Foundation) students, and used that data to inform explicit teaching of English ...


Assessment and intervention for an SSP approach: Q&A

This video answers questions from teachers and school leaders about assessment and intervention for systematic synthetic phonics (SSP).


Data analysis for 1:1 instruction (Tier 3)

This video presents an explanation of how to use data analysis to plan for 1:1 instruction (Tier 3) in your systematic synthetic phonics lessons.


Data analysis for small group instruction (Tier 2)

This video presents an explanation of how to use data analysis to plan for small group instruction (Tier 2) in your systematic synthetic phonics lessons.


Data analysis for whole-class instruction (Tier 1)

This video presents an explanation of how to use data analysis to plan for whole class instruction (Tier 1) in your systematic synthetic phonics lessons.


Using data to inform instruction

This video presents on explanation of how to use data analysis to plan your systematic synthetic phonics lessons.


Areas for phonics assessment

This video provides an overview of the areas of assessment in a systematic synthetic phonics (SSP) approach.


Fluency and progress monitoring: Q&A

This 26-minute video supports teachers to teach reading by answering common questions about fluency and progress monitoring.


Using a progress monitoring tool

This video explains what a progress monitoring tool is, what it is used for and how to use it to assess an individual student's progress in both reading and writing.


Choosing and using decodable texts: Q&A

This video is of a Q&A session about choosing and using decodable texts in your classroom. It is presented by literacy specialists Rebecca McEwan and Elaine Stanley


How to choose a decodable text

This video provides an overview of how to choose a decodable text for your students' needs. It is presented by literacy specialists Elaine Stanley and Rebecca McEwan.


Free decodable texts

This document summarises some of the free online decodable texts for Australian classrooms available on third-party websites.


Concepts of print

Find background information to support understandings of the concept of text (how a text conveys a message), concept of book (how a book works, how different texts are organised), the idea of directionality (that English books are read from left to right, top to bottom), and other mechanical features on this webpage.


Teaching ideas for Concepts about Print

This resource provides a series of stages (e.g. awareness of the relationship of print to spoken language, understandings of punctuation, understanding text directionality, identifying capital letters) and provides some teaching strategies for reinforcing and supporting understandings of concepts of print.


The importance of book covers

This lesson idea makes book cover design an integral part of the reading and comprehension process. The technique for the cover reveal teaches students about predictive inference.


Developing characters with Leigh Hobbs

How can drawings of characters give readers clues about who they are? What are some of the clues Leigh Hobbs gives us about Old Tom's character through his drawings of him? Do you have a character in your head that you've been thinking about for a while? As you draw or write about your character, remember what Leigh says ...


Syllabus bites: types of sentences

A web page resource with information, teacher guides and activities on types of sentences to support the Australian Curriculum in English K–10. It has detailed activities, links to resources and quizzes.


Emperor Penguins

This informative digital text about emperor penguins is for teachers to read aloud to students. The text is an information report that describes how these penguins survive in the freezing cold climate of Antarctica. The resource includes a teaching sequence related to the Big Six components of literacy development (oral ...