Design and technologies / Foundation to Year 2 / Design and Technologies Knowledge and Understanding

Curriculum content descriptions

Explore how technologies use forces to create movement in products (ACTDEK002)

  • exploring how the principles of push and pull are used in the design of toys, for example in a spinning toy such as an Aboriginal mammandur
  • identifying, and playing and experimenting with, components such as wheels, balls, slides, springs and available local materials, tools and equipment to solve problems requiring movement
  • selecting materials to demonstrate how material properties are appropriate for particular designed solutions, for example materials that enable sliding or floating
  • exploring a system such as a marionette or Indonesian wayang kulit shadow puppet to see that by combining materials with forces movement can be created
  • combining materials and using forces in design, for example designing the door on a cage or a simple conveyor belt to move materials short distances
  • exploring how to manipulate materials using a range of tools, equipment and techniques to create movement, for example when constructing a toy boat that floats and moves
General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Mechanical energy,  Engineering


Different paper plane designs

How many different paper plane designs are there? Lots! Watch as Dylan Parker, paper plane expert, demonstrates some of his favourites. Notice the way the different shapes and features of the planes cause them to move through the air in different ways. Which one do you like the most? Why not have a go at making something similar?


Material world – Stage 1

In this lesson sequence, students investigate how properties of materials determine their use. Students identify a range of natural materials used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples for a specific cultural purpose. There is an optional ‘maker hour’ for students to produce, implement, test and evaluate a shelter ...


Our magnificent thing

This module focuses on repurposing rubbish, giving students the opportunity to consider sustainability and the impact of their lifestyle choices on the environment. Based on the fiction picture book, The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires, students are encouraged to repurpose recyclable items to create their own most ...


Waste warriors

This module focuses on developing knowledge, skills, and values about waste as students consider the impact of lifestyle choices on the environment and how they can contribute to more sustainable patterns of living. The module includes a comprehensive teacher guide, curriculum links, materials lists, design process guides ...


Little Red Hen's robot friend

This module focuses on the impact of technology, particularly robots, on our everyday lives. Based on the folktale The Little Red Hen, students are encouraged to create their own automated solution to help the Little Red Hen carry her wheat. The module includes a comprehensive teacher guide, curriculum links, materials ...


Transportation Innovation

In this activity, students participate in a design challenge to use natural materials to design and create a tool that can be used to transport an object between two places. The activity provides students with an opportunity to explore how natural materials can be changed and combined to solve problems (Year 2) and use ...


Sam the Lamb: Does wool burn?

This short entertaining video, narrated by ‘Sam the Lamb’ and 'Professors' Madeleine and Daisy test which fabrics burn easily and which fabrics are the most flame resistant. Sam and his science team test the flammability of a range of synthetic and natural fabrics including polyester, polar fleece, cotton and wool.


For the Juniors: Getting your boat into shape!

A ball of plasticine sinks. Could you change its shape to make it float? Watch this clip to see some plasticine being made into different shapes. Find out which shape floats. Take a look at the shape of a motor boat. Why is it pointy at the front?


Material Sort

In this series of activities, students examine different materials, exploring how they can be described and categorised based on their observable properties. Students observe and describe different materials, then compare, contrast and categorise materials based on their observable properties.