Visual Arts / Year 3 and 4 / Creating and making

Curriculum content descriptions

use visual conventions, visual arts processes and materials to create artworks that communicate ideas, perspectives and/or meaning (AC9AVA4C01)

  • drawing on a selection of topics they may be exploring in other subjects, mind-mapping some ideas that link to these topics, using Viewpoints to explore multiple possibilities such as, “What are my questions about this topic?”, “What visual conventions could communicate ideas about this topic?”, “What do I already know about this?”, extending the ideas to arrive at 3 compositional ideas, selecting one idea, documenting their reasons for the selection and making the artwork
  • exploring tools and awareness of measured and freeform perspectives; for example, using digital and/or analog tools to reference a special place near their school, and dividing the scene, surface or paper into foreground, middle ground and background sections to consider how to create depth in their artwork
  • creating a visual artwork inspired by a performance that can become a part of the performance or the setting for a situation; for example, creating an abstract painting that documents the lines, movement and gestures in a dance, or illustrating a scene from a devised drama
  • considering how as artists they can communicate perspectives to viewers through the use of visual conventions and visual arts processes in the way that an illustrator represents ideas in a text to communicate aspects of the story, and applying this to their own work; for example, by re-reading a section of a familiar text as a class, discussing multiple ideas for illustrating the scene and perspectives in the text, creating their own work and comparing their approach to others’ approaches
  • using Viewpoints to develop questions as they experiment with composition to arrange visual conventions, subject matter and materials based on a designated area and deliberately changing the meaning of a visual story; for example, “What happens if I make the subject fill the frame?”, “Can I change the meaning of my work by using darker or lighter tones?”
  • combining their understanding of visual conventions and visual arts processes to create different meaning in an artwork; for example, using a range of 2D media such as charcoal and coloured pastels to create gradation of tone in their artwork and using Viewpoints to develop questions as they work, such as “In what ways can I use colour to change the feeling of this artwork?”, “How does using darker tones contrasting with lighter ones create an illusion of depth?”
General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and social capability Personal and Social capability
ScOT terms

Symbols,  Composition (Visual arts),  Art materials


Work sample Year 3 and 4 Visual Arts: Connection to coast

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 3 and 4 Visual Arts. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation ...


Kaleidoscope: Playing with Colour

This resource includes some teaching ideas based on a project facilitated by artist Ruby Chew and students from two primary schools. Chew was inspired by the patterns and colour inside of a kaleidoscope. The resource includes an interactive showing the original project and it also explores the connections between art and geometry.


Mythological Characters

How do Greek mythological figures inspire modern day characters? In this lesson, students will explore the connection between Greek mythology and modern culture. They will analyse Greek culture, mythological characters, and apply elements of mythology. They will design and paint original mythological characters with watercolours.


The Mark of the Wagarl: Unit of work

This unit of work has been written to support the book The Mark of the Wagarl. The book tells the story of Maadjit Walken, the Sacred Rainbow Serpent, mother spirit and creator of the Nyoongar Country of south west Western Australia. The story shares how a young boy receives the Maadjit Wagarl for his totem. This unit includes ...


What a stretch!

Investigate the unique physical features of the giraffe and explore how giraffes are represented in art. Create your own giraffe artwork.



Students learn about cartooning techniques to create cat cartoons inspired by the Cat in the Hat.


Shake the papaya tree

Find out more about papaya trees and then learn to draw one! Learn a song about climbing a tree and some movements to perform as you sing the song. Explore how to find the beat in the music.


Big battles!

Students explore music and dance through body percussion and singing as they learn the story of the unicorn and lion's big battle. They create a collage artwork using images of lions and unicorns that they can find.


Colour my world

Colour my world is a unit of work that can be completed by students of all ages. It incorporates activities from the Dancing with D’Arts resource created specifically for students with disabilities. This lesson Is on colour theory.


The Art and Science of Impressionist Color

In this sequence of lessons, students will learn about the Impressionist painters' use of colour and how it connected to early-19th-century scientific theories about colour. They will explore combinations of primary and secondary colours, experiment creating secondary colours, and create a landscape using complementary colours.


Activity: energy saving devices

This is a web resource about the symbols used on appliances and devices to indicate energy saving and energy rating. It provides a teacher guide and a student activity that prompts the student to carry out internet searches for images using the search terms 'energy saving' and 'energy rating' and to compare the results ...


Australian collection

This database features a selection of Australian artworks from QAGOMA. The searchable database provides artwork images, background information about the artist and the artwork, classroom activities, a glossary of key terms and curriculum alignment information for teachers. Search results can be refined by theme, period, ...


Indigenous Australian collection

This federated search from the QAGOMA database features a selection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artworks from the collection. The searchable database provides artwork images, background information about the artist and the artwork, a map of major Indigenous regions in Australia, classroom activities, a glossary ...