F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
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This two-week unit develops student knowledge, understanding and skills of measurement.
This lesson provides an authentic context to develop skills of estimation and measuring length. It provides an opportunity for students to connect decimal representations to the metric system and convert from centimetres to metres, and metres to kilometres. It also provides a context to investigate and become familiar with ...
This planning resource for Year 6 is for the topic of Metric units and using instruments. Students make connections between the metric system and decimals. The metric system is linked to the base 10 number system, in that each unit is a power of 10. The base unit represents 100 = 1 and the other units grow or decrease by ...
This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 6 Mathematics. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation ...
The focus of this activity is to find out what students know and understand about length. By Year 2 students need to begin to move beyond a familiar definition of length and must begin to see the importance of using uniform units.
The focus of this activity is to find out what students know and understand about length and the metric system.
This two-week unit introduces students to formal units of measurement in length and further develops student knowledge, understanding and skills of uniform informal units of measurement.
This two-week sample unit develops student knowledge, understanding and skills of measurement.
This sample multi-age unit explores the big idea 'what needs to be measured determines the unit of measurement'.
This multi-age unit develops the big idea that what needs to be measured determines the unit of measurement.
In this animated video, Buster, Al and Ada use informal and formal units of measurement when helping to build a dog house for Prime. The mathematical focus is on comparing lengths using informal units of measurement; recognising the importance of using common units of measurement; and recognising and using centimetres. ...
This teaching guide provides a range of associated activities for each of the Mathscots episodes at Year 2. The guide contains a summary of the mathematical focus in each episode, a range of scaffolded learning experiences for before, during and after viewing each video, activities for families at home, and sets of printable ...
This task introduces students to a practical situation that involves multiplying and dividing decimals by powers of 10. We want students to focus to use what they know about the measurement in order to explain how to convert them, rather than simply applying a procedure.
This set of learning activities encourages students to consider the function of their existing school playground, how movements like sliding, swinging and spinning feature in playground equipment, and design a new piece of equipment to add to the excitement of their playground. The module includes a comprehensive teacher ...
This set of learning activities engages students in designing bilingual signs using local aboriginal languages. The module includes a comprehensive teacher guide, curriculum links, materials lists, design process guides and printable student resource sheets. The resource also provides an editable module template, is supported ...
This set of learning activities challenges students to design shoes using recycled materials. The module includes a comprehensive teacher guide, curriculum links, materials lists, design process guides and printable student resource sheets. The resource also provides an editable module template, is supported by online professional ...
This 2-week unit unit develops the big idea that what needs to be measured determines the unit of measurement. Students are provided opportunities to: measure and compare lengths of objects and locations using kilometres, metres, centimetres and millimetres; identify and measure the perimeter of shapes, objects and locations; ...
This 2-week unit unit develops the big idea that what needs to be measured determines the unit of measurement. Students are provided opportunities to: interpret commonly used fractions of a kilogram and relate these to the number of grams; select and use appropriate units to estimate, measure, compare and record lengths ...
This sequence of two lessons explores how statistical techniques that rely on randomly generated data can be used to solve problems. In the first lesson, students compare different methods for calculating the area of an irregular shape, using the context of oil spill maps. They are introduced to the Monte Carlo method for ...