Mathematics / Year 4 / Statistics and Probability / Data representation and interpretation

Curriculum content descriptions

Select and trial methods for data collection, including survey questions and recording sheets (ACMSP095)

  • comparing the effectiveness of different methods of collecting data
  • choosing the most effective way to collect data for a given investigation
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Numeracy Numeracy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Observations (Data),  Questionnaires,  Tallies


reSolve: Sport Stats

In this lesson, students examine sporting scores and explore the concept of the average of a set of scores. Students collect sporting scores from real and hypothetical games, use blocks to visualise an even distribution of scores across matches and then explore how to calculate the average of a set of scores. The lesson ...


TIMES Module 2: Statistics and Probability: data investigation and interpretation, year 4 - teacher guide

This is a 13-page guide for teachers. It continues the development of probability. An informal consideration of outcomes is undertaken.


Honey bees

In this set of learning activities, students explore the problem of declining honey bee populations. The module includes a comprehensive teacher guide, curriculum links, materials lists, design process guides and printable student resource sheets. The resource also provides an editable module template, is supported by online ...


Where’s the mankarr? Video observation data: Part 1

In this first of two lessons, students investigate data from animal observations recorded by a video camera. Students take on the role of ‘researchers’ and use secondary data about an endangered Australian marsupial.


Where’s the mankarr? Recording and visualising data: Part 2

In this second of two lessons, students view a video to record data about the bilby (mankarr). They visualise and interpret the data.


Conduct statistical investigations: Year 4 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 4 is for the topic of Conduct statistical investigations. Students conduct statistical investigations, collecting data through survey responses and other methods. They record and display data using digital tools, interpret the data and communicate the results of their findings.


Sites2See: Patterns and Algebra

Selected links to a range of interactive online resources for the study of patterns and algebra in Foundation to Year 6 Mathematics.



This activity invites students to explore the phenomena of balance and investigate the question, 'Can you find at least three different ways of balancing three identical weights on a balance board?' Students work with a simple balance (e.g., a ruler as the balance board, a toilet-paper-tube fulcrum, and coins as weights), ...


How does your garden grow?

This Stage 2 resource grew from a conversation between young students questioning why they could still buy grapes if they were out of season. This wondering led to a discussion around when we grow certain fruit and vegetables. The original stimulus was extended to cover planting for the seasons and factors that influence ...