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English / Year 9 / Literacy / Creating texts

Curriculum content descriptions

Use a range of software, including word processing programs, flexibly and imaginatively to publish texts (ACELY1748)

  • applying word processing functions, for example outlining, standard styles and indexing
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
ScOT terms

Creating texts,  Word processing


Syllabus bites: types of sentences

A web page resource with information, teacher guides and activities on types of sentences to support the Australian Curriculum in English K–10. It has detailed activities, links to resources and quizzes.


Creating Avatars

The resource provides advice and help for students to create avatars as visual representation for a variety of publications. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


Truth be told

This resource embeds the use of online collaboration tools and 21st century learning skills in a Stage 5 English project. Students explore the English textual concepts as they collaborate to research and create a personal story. Tasks include analysing a variety of personal stories told in different media and exploring ...


Be on the Safe Side Year 9-10 English

This is a unit of work that uses visual and multimodal texts to explore rail safety on and around the rail network. Specific topics include: evaluative language, persuasive text, comparing texts and the creation of a visual and multimodal campaign to promote rail safety. The resource includes: teacher notes, three learning ...


Q+A: To curtsey or not to curtsey?

Newspapers had a field day when the Queen visited Australia in 2011. Prime Minister Julia Gillard chose to bow to her, while the Governor General, Quentin Bryce AC CVO, curtseyed instead. This Q&A clip explores several perspectives on this event. Note how each panellist's non-verbal language reflects their attitude toward ...


A New Kind of Alchemy

'A New Kind of Alchemy' is an interactive online graphic novel about a future world threatened by extinction. It is based on a short story by Australian writer, James Roy. The graphics can be downloaded and used to create your own story.


Writing a feature article

The resource contains information, activities and tasks on how to write a feature article. It includes writing and publishing templates for students for a print and online contexts. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


UCreate a short film

This resource focuses on creating a short film. Learn about planning, shooting and editing short films for classroom presentations, competitions and online. It has practical hints, advice and tips about film making.


Youth Theatre (unit)

Youth theatre is a unit resource with three self-contained and independent resources for English and drama students. The unit focuses on the play 48 Shades of Brown, adapted from Nick Earls' award winning novel. It examines the themes, issues, setting, characters and language of the play. It also examines the staging of ...


Creating Digital Stories

This resource focuses on the creation of digital stories for students with supporting activities and links to resources. It has advice and help for students to compose, adapt and publish your digital stories. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


Composing a graphic novel

This resource examines how authors and illustrators design and develop graphic novels. Student can use the resources to design, develop and publish their own graphic novel. Contains a list of print and digital resources needed to teach the unit. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


Writing a multimedia review

The resource contains information, activities and tasks on how to write a review of a multimodal text, a website and a computer game. It includes writing and presenting templates for students for a variety of purposes and contexts. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


Writing a review - book and film

The resource contains Information, activities and tasks on how to write a review of a book and film. It includes writing and presenting templates for students for a variety of purposes and contexts. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


Syllabus bites: Visual literacy

A resource with information, study guides and resources on visual literacy to support the English K-10 Australian Curriculum in English. It provides a series of activities, guidelines and tasks about visual texts from a variety of sources. Contains writing scaffolds, templates and proformas for responding and composing ...


Getting ready for work

This resource contains information, activities and tasks on how to write job applications, develop your interview skills and enhance your phone application skills. It includes writing templates and proformas for students for a variety of workplace contexts. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


When to use 'me', 'myself' and 'I'.

This short video for secondary students explains the different roles in a sentence that 'me', 'I' and 'myself' play, and where each belongs.


Science Fiction: Radio Dramas

This resource for students is one in a series of three on science fiction. The introduction contains links to old radio dramas as great examples of story telling. Students are then asked to produce their own two minute science fiction radio drama. A link is provided to Celtx, an application which allows you to write the ...


How to write a ‘how-to’

In this step-by-step guide, students will learn about the “how to” genre with examples drawn from the New York Times. They will use writing prompts to come up with a task they’d like to explain; find and interview an expert; then edit what they have into a clear and interesting explanation.


How to Write a 100-Word Narrative

Find step-by-step directions for telling a meaningful, interesting and short true story from your life — with 25 mentor texts to help. The resource uses writing submitted by teenagers for a New York Times competition as examples to support understanding. It includes links to a PDF with 16 examples of short narratives and ...


Picture Prompts

Find a range of accessible, image-driven prompts that stimulate a variety of different kinds of writing.