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Listed under:  Mathematics  >  Statistics and probability  >  Data analysis  >  Central tendency

Can you guess the weight of Uluru?

What is the "wisdom of a crowd"? Mathematician Lily Serna investigates a mathematical phenomenon that suggests that if you have a large enough crowd, with a broad variety of people making estimates, then the mean (average) answer of the crowd will be accurate! Find out if a crowd can guess the weight of Uluru from the ground ...


Olympic Triathlon

This resource is a web page containing an investigative task that involves the analysis of data. Data from Olympic Triathlon in the form of a spreadsheet is provided. Sort the results in various ways, work out averages and measures of spread, or plot some graphs to test correlations between times for individual events ...


Mean, median and mode

This resource is a video demonstration, with audio commentary, about calculating the mean, median and mode of a data set. The meaning of each of the terms - mean, median and mode - is explained and the difference between them is clarified. The resource explains the process and demonstrates a handwritten method for calculating ...


About Average

This resource is a web page containing a set of questions about mean, median and mode. Rather than work out the mean, median and mode from a data set, these questions require students to apply their understanding and reasoning to work out the answer. A 'Solution' is also available to support the task. This resource is an ...


MathXplosion, Ep 32: A mean trick

Learn a cool trick using the concept of the mean (or average). Pick any 3 x 3 block of dates on a monthly calendar. The number in the middle square is the mean of the nine numbers that form the 3 x 3 square. If you add all the numbers and divide the total by nine (the number of squares), the answer is the number in the ...


reSolve: Sports Salaries

This sequence of two lessons explores data sampling methods and measures of spread applied to a real world context of sporting teams. Students explore variation in the salaries of NBA players using real world data. They calculate means and medians, draw graphs, compare findings, and investigate the implications of obtaining ...


ReSolve: What's In A Name

This sequence of two lessons examines trends in the names of students in the class, as well as trends in popular names from 2017 and 1957. Students explore data associated with these names and decide whether the mean, median or mode might be a suitable measure of central tendency. They develop their skills with spreadsheets ...


The Lives of Presidents

This resource is a web page containing an investigative task that involves the analysis of data. Data about Presidents of the United States of America in the form of a spreadsheet is provided. Create your own questions for inquiry the sort the spreadsheet by relevant criteria. A 'Getting started' and 'Solutions' page ...


reSolve: Monte Carlo Simulations

This sequence of two lessons explores how statistical techniques that rely on randomly generated data can be used to solve problems. In the first lesson, students compare different methods for calculating the area of an irregular shape, using the context of oil spill maps. They are introduced to the Monte Carlo method for ...


Australian reported crime victims since 2010 - dataset

This is a dataset that provides statistics about crimes reported by victims from 2010 to the latest year of available data. It is periodically updated by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The dataset is in MS Excel format.


Australian Historical Population Statistics to 2014 - dataset

The dataset provides statistics about the population of Australia in terms of age and sex from 1901 to 2014. It is made available by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The dataset is in MS Excel format.


Plop it!

This is an interactive resource about statistics that allows students to investigate the effect of different datasets on the mean, median and mode. The student can enter data by selecting the central graph section of the screen to add, remove or move blocks, or by typing into the text area of the screen. The three different ...


Life expectancy PowerPoint

This teacher resource is a PowerPoint presentation designed to address common student misunderstandings about life expectancy. It emphasises that life expectancy is an average, that most people live for much longer or shorter than their life expectancy and that, when life expectancy is low, it is mostly because of a very ...


Comparing data

This is a website designed for both teachers and students that addresses data comparison from the Australian Curriculum for year 9 students. It contains material on comparing data by developing questions, conducting data collection, displaying data and exploring and interpreting that data using a range of strategies. There ...


Sleepy statistics: Part 1

Students conduct a sleep audit over two weeks to test hypotheses regarding improving sleep quality.


The humanoid project

Students explore a large data set.


Give it your best shot

Students calculate the mean, median and mode for sets of data and select the appropriate measure of centre.


Statistical analysis: Year 9 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 9 is for the topic of Statistical analysis. Students have knowledge of various representations of data and can now extend this to comparison. Students compare many data sets of numerical variables to make comparisons using appropriate mathematical vocabulary. Students consider the shape and ...


Acquire and record data: Year 7 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 7 is for the topic of Acquire and record data. Students develop a robust statistical vocabulary. This includes defining and distinguishing between discrete numerical and continuous numerical data. To illustrate the differences students should be asked to collect sets of data from their peers. ...


Represent collected data: Year 9 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 9 is for the topic of Represent collected data. Students are familiar with different types of visualisations of data and variables and can evaluate and interpret data displays. Students can label data as categorical (ordinal or nominal) or numerical (discrete or continuous) and consider which ...