Health and Physical Education / Year 1 and 2 / Personal, social and community health / Interacting with others

Curriculum content descriptions

practise strategies they can use when they need to seek, give or deny permission respectfully (AC9HP2P04)

  • practising strategies they can use when they need to give or refuse consent; for example, saying yes and no in an assertive manner, using non-verbal body cues and gestures
  • practising ways to interact with others in a fair and respectful way in play and other activities, regardless of differences in gender, abilities, race or personality
  • exploring situations where they need to seek, give or deny permission and practising strategies to assert themselves; for example, saying no to inappropriate touching
General capabilities
  • Ethical understanding Ethical understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and Social capability
ScOT terms

Help-seeking behaviour,  Personal space,  Assertiveness


Australia’s Biggest Child Safety Lesson

This resource focuses on the concept of ‘my body, my choice’, and the strategies children can then use when they need to seek, give or deny consent. Within each activity there are explanations and scripts to support teachers to facilitate exploration of the suggested concepts. Some of the activities are quite generic with ...


Keep it sweet online

These three slide presentations will give young students strategies for dealing with online risks, identifying and reporting cyberbullying, and dealing with unwanted contact.


Consent for touch (hugs)

Students use a video and T chart for exploring different ways to ask for and give consent for touch (e.g. hugs).


Cybersmart Challenge

This resource includes teacher-led activities using animated videos to introduce students to key online safety issues including cyberbullying, protecting personal information and sharing images. There are three modules including videos, which can be used as stand-alone lessons or as a series.


Hector's World

In this resource students will identify strategies for determining who they should trust with their online personal information and ways to keep their computers safe. They will also learn about the importance of seeking help when they feel unsafe or uneasy online or if they experience cyberbullying. The resource includes ...


Online safety classroom posters

These posters for lower primary students can be displayed in the classroom and used to start online safety discussions during lessons across key learning areas.


Mighty Heroes

This resource includes four short animated video chapters and supporting educator notes. Each one features a hero and their online safety superpower. The educator notes are designed to support discussions with students about the key online safety messages in each chapter.


Role-play respect online

This classroom activity is designed to help students identify what communicating respectfully and fairly looks like online by role-playing in a range of scenarios.


Years 1 and 2: Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships

This set of learning materials covers eight topics of Social and Emotional Learning across the Years and 2 levels of schooling. Topics include Emotional Literacy; Personal strengths; Positive Coping; Problem Solving; Stress Management; Help Seeking; Gender and Identity; and Positive Gender Relationships.


How to teach digital citizenship and online safety - Scope and sequence Australian curriculum

This resource provides links to lessons and activities at each level of schooling from Foundation to Year 10 in the area of online safety.


Respectful Relationships: Teaching and Learning

Find comprehensive resources organised by stages of schooling including a scope and sequence, teaching and learning activities and links to resources. The activities provide explicit opportunities for developmentally appropriate learning about consent education, gender stereotypes and roles, keeping safe, respectful relationships ...