Drama / Year 3 and 4

Curriculum content descriptions

Shape and perform dramatic action using narrative structures and tension in devised and scripted drama, including exploration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander drama (ACADRM033)

  • applying story structures in their drama, including roles and events linked through cause and effect and dramatic tension
  • Considering viewpoints – meanings and interpretations: For example – What are the stories and the ideas in the drama you watch and listen to? Which of the characters do you identify with? What relationships and situations do you recognise (or not recognise) in the drama you watch and listen to?
  • performing their improvised sections of process drama and playbuilding
  • sharing with others dramatic action that is structured through dramatic tension, in real or virtual spaces
  • performing short scripted drama with a sense of role, situation and dramatic tension
  • Considering viewpoints – evaluations: For example – How well did you collaborate to make drama? What worked best in the drama?
  • planning and rehearsing their drama for a live or virtual performance
  • exploring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stories and how they are dramatically portrayed as a reference for shaping their own drama
  • exploring dramatic traditions and practices from one or more Asian societies in their drama
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
Cross-curriculum priorities
ScOT terms

Suspense,  Aboriginal art,  Torres Strait Islander art,  Devised drama


TrackSAFE Education Primary School Resources: Year 3, Year 4 The Arts

This unit uses various arts practices as the stimuli for exploring the safety message of Stop, Look, Listen, Think. Students create woven artworks to incorporate safety messages; they collaboratively develop a play about safety; and explore rap as a music form and combined with dance convey a safety message in a performance.


Blast off! Life in space - teacher resource

This teacher resource is a comprehensive sequence of teacher ideas and student activities that support the arts curriculum in drama and dance, using ideas about space exploration, the universe and the life of an astronaut as stimulus. It includes a link to the video 'Blast off with NASA astronaut Rex Walheim'. This video ...


Indigenous Australian collection

This federated search from the QAGOMA database features a selection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artworks from the collection. The searchable database provides artwork images, background information about the artist and the artwork, a map of major Indigenous regions in Australia, classroom activities, a glossary ...