Drama / Year 5 and 6

Curriculum content descriptions

Explore dramatic action, empathy and space in improvisations, playbuilding and scripted drama to develop characters and situations (ACADRM035)

  • experimenting with empathy to develop characters and relationships in drama and considering perspectives, exploring responses and challenging stereotypes
  • exploring physical, fictional and emotional space to create characters and situations and imagined feelings
  • manipulating dramatic action and use of available theatre technologies to create different meanings
  • comparing different ways improvisation and scripted drama create characters and action, and evaluating drama from other cultures and considering how they can use specific techniques in their own work
  • Considering viewpoints – forms and elements: For example – How is the voice, movement, gesture and the body used to represent a character, situation or idea? How did the performers use the elements of drama? How can the devised drama be developed to communicate meaning?
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Ethical understanding Ethical understanding
ScOT terms

Performance space,  Plots (Stories),  Improvisation (Acting)


Join the circus

Learn about different circus skills and create a short performance.


Puppet masters

Create and experiment with puppets made out of paper!


Perspectives on Kamay

This resource explores the perspectives of the Aboriginal people of Kamay Botany Bay and the men aboard the HMB Endeavour upon their meeting in 1770. It will also help students to understand the history of Australia's Aboriginal peoples and why their stories of the past are equally important to hear. Note to Aboriginal ...


TrackSAFE Education Primary School Resources: Year 5, Year 6 The Arts

This unit uses dance, drama, visual arts and music to communicate student-created safety messages. Using a community-based scenario, students devise an improvised drama and choreograph a dance to highlight the importance of safe track-side behaviours; they use artworks to explore the effect of colour before creating a cartoon-based ...


Costume workshop

The five films show the key stages of a simple costume workshop which was delivered in a British school. The workshop begins with the introduction of the Cinderella story. The group then get an insight into the research methods of a professional designer before going on to design and make costumes to fit them.


Writing Fables

How do the events in a fable relate to the moral of the story? In this lesson, students will engage in the writing process to create original fables and perform a skit. They will review the elements of a fable and develop an understanding of how to create a centralized focus in a narrative.