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Drama / Year 7 and 8

Curriculum content descriptions

Combine the elements of drama in devised and scripted drama to explore and develop issues, ideas and themes (ACADRM040)

  • investigating and researching starting points for drama, for example, using analysis of performance styles or evaluating their peers’ responses to questions about an issue or image
  • working with different combinations of the elements of drama to create and sustain dramatic situations and show contrast
  • experimenting with linear and non-linear narrative to focus dramatic action and tension
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Themes (Texts),  Devised drama


Stories in the dark

This resource is designed to support Stage 4 drama students in understanding the characteristics of good radio plays and learning to use vocal expression to create clear and engaging characters. They will rehearse, perform and record a short radio play that can be shared with an audience.


Tune in and tune up

Tune in and tune up your acting skills with these fun drama warm up games that will strengthen you vocally, physically and imaginatively.


How to be funny

What is the key to being funny? As Tim Ferguson explains, if you can laugh, you can write comedy. Has something funny happened to you lately? Or is there something in particular that you find puzzling or amusing about the world around you? Put your thoughts on paper and experiment with telling your story in different ways. ...


Developing script ideas with Hannie Rayson

How do you come up with ideas to write about? Watch this clip to find out how Australian playwright and screenwriter Hannie Rayson begins her writing process. She begins with a "big question" - if you were writing a play, what big question would you ask?


Be on the Safe Side Year 7-8 The Arts (Drama)

This is a unit of work that uses the concept of rail safety and the setting of the rail network to explore character, roles and situations; there is a particular focus on bullying and the bystander effect. Learning opportunities for students include scripting, performing and revising their own drama. The resource includes: ...


Greek theatre – Chorus

This 2-3 week program provides Yrs 7-10 (Stages 4-5, NSW DoE) Drama teachers with ideas for students to learn about the dramatic convention of the chorus. Students are then given the opportunity to express their learning through written, oral and performance activities. There are downloadable lesson sequences and associated ...


Elements of Myth

In this lesson, students will read myths, discuss the elements of this literary form, and dramatize a myth of their choice. They will write scientific, research-based reports, as well as fantastical stories to explain the natural phenomena of the world.