History / Year 7 / Historical Knowledge and Understanding

Curriculum content descriptions

The importance of conserving the remains of the ancient past, including the heritage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (ACDSEH148)

  • investigating world heritage criteria for the listing of significant ancient sites, using an example of an ancient site such as Pompeii
  • explaining the UNESCO-led rescue mission to save the temples of Abu Simbel
General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities
ScOT terms

Archaeology,  Artefacts,  Historic places


Archaeology unearths a mass-murder site

Discover a historic site that could reveal new evidence of the first recorded mass murder on Australian soil. The site is Beacon Island, a small island off the coast of Western Australia near present-day Geraldton. In this clip, reporter Mark Bennett visits the island with two members of a 1963 expedition that first investigated ...


World’s first bakers?

When did humans begin grinding seeds to make flour? Many people believe bread-making began in Egypt or Mesopotamia as long as 17,000 years ago. Archaeologists have recently found evidence that Indigenous Australians were producing flour 65,000 years ago. Were they the world’s first bakers?


BTN: Aboriginal astronomy

Many ancient cultures studied the night sky, and we know this because it is reflected in some of the earliest stories we have on record. Learn about one of these stories in this video. Other than the Dreamtime stories, what other evidence might there be that the Aboriginal people studied the stars?


Depth study 3 – The Asian world (China)

This resource supports learning about the ancient Asian society of China in depth. It supports exploration of the geographical setting and natural features of China. It also includes a focus on the roles of key groups in Chinese society, underpinning values, contact with other countries and an assessment task.


Depth study 2 – The Mediterranean world (Egypt)

This resource supports learning about ancient Egyptian society using a range of archaeological and written sources. Key inquiry questions include: ‘How do we know about the ancient past?’, ‘Why and where did the earliest societies develop?’, ‘What emerged as the defining characteristics of ancient societies?’, and ‘What ...


Ancient China: Physical features

In this learning sequence students are guided to complete an investigation into the physical features of China and their effects on the development of ancient Chinese society. Associated worksheets and resources can be found at the end of the learning sequence.


The first modern humans in south-east Asia

This is a multilayered resource about the theories and evidence of the origins of the first modern humans in south-east Asia. It has four sections: Theories; The sout-heast Asian fossil record; The appearance of sout-heast Asian features; and The first modern Indonesians. The Related sections, Related items and Related ...


Mummification in Bronze Age Britain

This resource is about the discovery of two Bronze Age mummies in Britain. It describes the discovery by a team of archaeologists of the bodies of a male and a female under the floor of a prehistoric house on the Hebridean Island of South Uist. It presents the evidence for mummification following investigations using archaeological ...


Journeys and Connections

This resource displays objects related to stories of migration to Australia. Students locate and research relevant objects in their own community and create a digital story of migration. The resource uses objects from the Australian Journeys exhibition at the National Museum of Australia.


Yulunga: kandomarngutta

In some parts of Australia children were allowed to use the bullroarer (whirlers), or small versions of it, as a source of amusement. In other areas the bullroarer had a special significance and was not used as a ‘toy’. In parts of Victoria a bullroarer called the kandomarngutta was used. This was a thin piece of wood, ...


Ancient Roman Empire

This unit of work is organised around four inquiry questions about life in the ancient city of Pompeii based on the archaeological findings and evidence of the times. The unit includes five animated videos supported by structured inquiry questions and activities.


Ages of treasure timeline

This is an illustrated and annotated timeline of the Ancient World, from the Palaeolithic era to the Norman era. The timeline moves through seven distinct eras: Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Viking and Norman. It includes images of the key sites and treasures from Britain's ...


Pillar of Ashoka

This resource is about a significant individual in history. It shows a fragment of a pillar built by the Emperor Ashoka in India about 240 BC. On the fragment is part of an inscription that uses a type of writing known as 'Brahmi'. The inscription is by Ashoka. It reads of how the great conquest in life is not over other ...


The chariot of Wetwang

The interactive resource is about the discovery of an Iron Age chariot in a grave in the Yorkshire village of Wetwang in 2001. It has three parts: an account of the discovery of the burial site and the contents of the grave; a detailed explanation of the reconstruction of the chariot; and a quiz to test the knowledge gained ...


River Valley Civilisations: Mesopotamia, the world's first civilisation

Considered the birthplace of human civilisation, Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq, and parts of Kuwait, Turkey and Syria) was situated in the fertile valley between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. What do we know of this ancient civilisation? What characteristics did Mesopotamia have that made it a civilisation?


River Valley Civilisations: The role of the Nile in Ancient Egypt

Like other early civilisations, the rise of Ancient Egypt was dependent on the fertile land around a river. By learning about and adapting to the conditions of the Nile River, ancient Egyptians were able to increase their agricultural productivity to support a large population. Why was this vital for a civilisation to flourish?


River Valley Civilisations: How did a river valley civilisation arise?

The world's first civilisations arose around rivers. Why do you think this was? Think about the characteristics of a civilisation and how advanced agricultural practices allowed civilisations to flourish. This video mentions four ancient civilisations. Can you think of other civilisations that emerged near a river?


River Valley Civilisations: Indus Valley Civilisation

The Indus River is located in present-day Pakistan and is the birthplace of the Indus Valley Civilisation. What do we know of this civilisation? What are some characteristics of this civilisation that are similar to that of other river valley civilisations? Why do we know less of the Indus Valley Civilisation than we do ...


Hunt the ancestor

This is an interactive game about an archaeological dig or quest. The object is to find an ancient burial site and protect it from being destroyed by local quarry owners who want to extract chalk from the field. Students are given an amount of money and have to locate where the burial site is using a variety of research ...


River Valley Civilisations: Ancient Chinese civilisation

The basin of Huang He, or the Yellow River, is considered the birthplace of Ancient China. What did this ancient civilisation have in common with other ancient civilisations? New advances in science and technology are traits of a civilisation. How did iron smelting revolutionise farming for the ancient Chinese?