English / Year 3 / Language / Expressing and developing ideas

Curriculum content descriptions

Understand that a clause is a unit of grammar usually containing a subject and a verb and that these need to be in agreement (ACELA1481)

  • knowing that a clause is basically a group of words that contains a verb
  • knowing that, in terms of meaning, a basic clause represents: what is happening; what state is being described; who or what is involved; and the surrounding circumstances
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
ScOT terms

Sentences (Grammar)


Syllabus bites: types of sentences

A web page resource with information, teacher guides and activities on types of sentences to support the Australian Curriculum in English K–10. It has detailed activities, links to resources and quizzes.


Compound sentences

This guide provides clear grammatical definitions, and unpacks the features of compound sentences and how they function. It includes information about using conjunctions; coordinating conjunctions; using semicolons and common problems with compound sentences. The guide also offers, as a starting point, some strategies for ...


Simple sentences: are not necessarily simple!

This guide is intended to provide a starting point for you to approach the teaching of writing in your classroom. It provides information about syntax; phrases and clauses; simple sentence structure and some common problems with sentences. This guide provides suggestions for teaching sentences in the classroom. It also ...


Varying openings

Use this worksheet to discuss the directions in which a story might go depending on what the opening sentence is.


Teaching Morphology to Improve Literacy: A Guide for Teachers

Morphological awareness is a powerful tool for improving many areas of literacy. Find teaching ideas for specifically teaching this skill across a range of year levels.


Some ideas on how to teach the more tricky grammar elements

Refresh your knowledge of grammatical points prior to teaching your students with this digital presentation that covers topics such as the role of determiners, of pronouns, of prepositions, of subordinating conjunctions, of punctuation and of tense. While this is a resource developed for a UK-based audience, it is relevant ...


The exquisite corpse: A Grammar-based Word Game

The Exquisite Corpse is similar in style to the old game of Consequences. In the game, each player adds on a new word, folds over a piece of paper to hide the word and passes the paper on. The simple formula of adjective, noun, verb, preposition, adjective, noun will produce something approximating a sentence which can ...


TrackSAFE Education Primary School Resources: Year 3 and Year 4 English

This unit of work focuses on behaviour in and around tracks and rail infrastructure. Activities build subject-specific vocabulary and understanding of procedural text structures. Guided writing activities support students to develop a series of track safe procedures while a slogan writing activity focuses on effective ways ...


Wonderful words, creative stories: pets

Add descriptive words to two simple sentences about a cat and a fish to make the sentences more interesting. Substitute different descriptive words in each sentence. Notice how your choice of words affects the animations for the sentences. Use your two lively sentences as the start and ending of an imaginative story. Check ...


A resourceful guide to prefixes and suffixes

Do you know what a prefix and a suffix is? Watch this clip as it explains what they are. Can you think of some words that have been created using a prefix or a suffix that are not included in this clip?


Describing household chores

There are several different types of verbs. In this video, most of the verbs are transitive verbs, which means they are action verbs with direct objects that receive the action. Identify the transitive verbs and the direct objects in the examples provided in the video.


Say hello in Dharug

Watch this video to learn how to greet someone in the Dharug language, spoken by the Indigenous people of the Sydney Basin area. How do you say 'hello, how are you?' in Dharug? And what are the words for good and bad? Practise these phrases with Jacinta Tobin and then teach them to a friend or family member.


Cleaning verbs

When you tell someone you're cleaning, you're giving them a general idea of what you're doing. Some of the verbs mentioned in this video are more specific and can help you describe what you're doing in more detail. What are some other verbs that describe more generally what you are doing, and what are some verbs that can ...


How to Build Stories, Ch 5: Using language to flavour your story

Language is like the flavour of a story. It helps relate your imagination to readers in a way they'll understand. But you have to add the right flavours; otherwise your story will be like a bad meal. Learn how to write what you want your readers to imagine and feel.


ABC Open: Using descriptive language to evoke mood and feeling

Is there a particular place or time of day that you love? How would you describe this place and time to someone to convey how you feel? What sort of mood would you want to create? The narrator in this video tells us she loves sunrise. How does she communicate this through the language she uses? What is the mood created?


How to Build Stories, Ep 4: Exploring genre and setting of your story

Every genre has different rules. But once you know them, you can choose which rules you want to break. Find out how you can mix and match genres to create unique, interesting stories!


Cooking verbs

Verbs used to describe different actions while cooking are many and varied. Learn some of them in this short Australia Plus video. What do you think is the difference between 'chop' and 'cut' and 'dice'?


Syllabus bites: Active and passive voice

A web page with information, teacher guides and activities on writing sentences using the active and passive voice. This resource supports the BOS NSW Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


BBC Bitesize: travelling pronouns - worksheet

This is a simple printable worksheet for students to complete once they have finished the interactive resource 'Travelling pronouns'. It consists of four sentences, each of which contains at least one pronoun choice to make. Students make their choices by colouring in their preferred option. This resource is one of a series ...


Syllabus bites – responding to literature

A web page with information, teacher guides and resources on responding to texts. This resource supports the NSW English K-10 syllabus.