English / Year 6 / Language / Expressing and developing ideas

Curriculum content descriptions

Understand how ideas can be expanded and sharpened through careful choice of verbs, elaborated tenses and a range of adverb groups/phrases (ACELA1523)

  • knowing that verbs often represent actions and that the choice of more expressive verbs makes an action more vivid (for example 'She ate her lunch' compared to 'She gobbled up her lunch')
  • knowing that adverb groups/phrases and prepositional phrases can provide important details about a happening(for example, ‘At nine o'clock the buzzer rang loudly throughout the school’) or state (for example, ‘The tiger is a member of the cat family’)
  • knowing the difference between the simple present tense (for example 'Pandas eat bamboo.') and the simple past tense (for example 'She replied.')
  • knowing that the simple present tense is typically used to talk about either present states (for example, ‘He lives in Darwin’) or actions that happen regularly in the present (for example, ‘He watches television every night’) or that represent ‘timeless’ happenings, as in information reports (for example, ‘Bears hibernate in winter’)
  • knowing that there are various ways in English to refer to future time, for example auxiliary ‘will’, as in ‘She will call you tomorrow’; present tense, as in ‘Tomorrow I leave for Hobart’; and adverbials of time, as in ‘She arrives in the morning’
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
ScOT terms

Tense (Grammar),  Adverbial phrases,  Verbs


Syllabus bites: types of sentences

A web page resource with information, teacher guides and activities on types of sentences to support the Australian Curriculum in English K–10. It has detailed activities, links to resources and quizzes.


Syllabus bites: Visual literacy

A resource with information, study guides and resources on visual literacy to support the English K-10 Australian Curriculum in English. It provides a series of activities, guidelines and tasks about visual texts from a variety of sources. Contains writing scaffolds, templates and proformas for responding and composing ...


Show and tell: close encounter

Watch a short cartoon about seeing a lion on a forest path. Select noun groups, verb groups and phrases to create sentences and build a basic factual recount. Rearrange the word groups to create the best order in the sentences. Who was involved? What did they do? When, where or how did they do it? Add joining words, adverbs ...


Super stories: The Sea Cave: verbs and adverbs

Help a publishing director create a bestselling horror story. Read the story. Choose effective verbs and adverbs to increase the impact of the story and make it scarier. Select illustrations that highlight the horror of the events.


Super stories: The Abandoned House: verbs and adverbs

Help a publishing director create a bestselling horror story. Read the story. Choose effective verbs and adverbs to increase the impact of the story by making it scarier. Select illustrations that highlight the horror of the events.


Simple sentences: are not necessarily simple!

This guide is intended to provide a starting point for you to approach the teaching of writing in your classroom. It provides information about syntax; phrases and clauses; simple sentence structure and some common problems with sentences. This guide provides suggestions for teaching sentences in the classroom. It also ...


A Terrible Shipwreck

This lesson plan was inspired by a painting of a multiple shipwreck on Deal beach in February 1870. Students will explore the factors that influence the readability of a piece of text and create a piece of writing in the style of a local newspaper for a defined audience.


Bursting to Write

This article discusses the power of short-burst writing as part of warming-up a unit. Short burst writing is a process that supports children to think like a writer. It teaches them to bring their writing alive (painting pictures in their heads of their readers) and helps them to understand the craft of description.


Work sample Year 6 English: Responding to the news - Letter to the Editor

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 6 English. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation of ...


Sentence combining

Sentence combining is an instructional technique used to improve sentence quality, complexity and variety. Students are taught how to combine two or more basic sentences to create more interesting, sophisticated and varied sentences. When sentence combining is taught explicitly and in a sustained way, it becomes one component ...


Compound sentences

This guide provides clear grammatical definitions, and unpacks the features of compound sentences and how they function. It includes information about using conjunctions; coordinating conjunctions; using semicolons and common problems with compound sentences. The guide also offers, as a starting point, some strategies for ...


Complex sentences: Creating agility and depth in your writing

Complex sentences are an important step in enabling students to produce more sophisticated writing. Mastering complex sentences allows students to have greater control when communicating. This resource provides information about topics such as Dependent clauses, Nominalisation and Subordinating conjunctions. This guide ...


Connecting Ideas

Help students to create well-structured sentences by developing their knowledge of compound sentences, compound complex sentences and ways to combine messages by using quoting as a device. This teacher resource will support your understanding of this topic and provide examples to use with students.


Teaching Morphology to Improve Literacy: A Guide for Teachers

Morphological awareness is a powerful tool for improving many areas of literacy. Find teaching ideas for specifically teaching this skill across a range of year levels.


Nominalisation: cure or crime?

This article about nominalisation provides background support about this topic for teachers. While written for NSW secondary English teachers, it has broader relevance for teaching this skill in Australian classrooms.


Independent and Dependent Clauses Worksheet

Find some simple exercises for students to firstly differentiate between independent and dependent clauses, and then to practise joining two related clauses.


Linguistic Roots and Affixes

This webpage provides examples of examples of Latin affixes, Greek affixes, a list of the 20 most frequently used prefixes, and a list of the 20 most frequently used suffixes. It also includes sone interactive activities for students to test their knowledge.


Phrases and Clauses

Find information about the difference between phrases and clauses and exercises to support students in working through the difference. The resource includes some simple exercises for students to firstly differentiate between independent and dependent clauses and then to identify subordinating conjunctions. They then practise ...


Vocabulary in context

The aim of this resource is to support students to identify and build meaning of words and their affixes. Students will learn to use contextual clues to determine best word choice. The resource includes a list of strategies that may help to build vocabulary. It includes a list organised from most frequently used suffixes ...


Developing Word Knowledge: Exploring Affixes and Bases

The focus in this learning sequence is on exploring the meaning of some common Latin and Greek root words and understanding how affixes change the meaning and function of words. Students use affixes to build a word family and make links between root words and the meaning of a derived word. This learning sequence is the ...