English / Year 7 / Language / Expressing and developing ideas

Curriculum content descriptions

Analyse how point of view is generated in visual texts by means of choices, for example gaze, angle and social distance (ACELA1764)

  • comparing choices for point of view in animations, advertisements and other persuasive texts
  • comparing how different advertisements use visual elements to advertise the same product
  • experimenting with digital storytelling conventions to create personal reflections on shared experiences
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Attitudes,  Visual texts


Creating cartoons

The resource focuses on discussing, analysing and explaining a variety of cartoons in a variety of print and digital texts. It will enhance visual literacy skills in a range of media texts. Students have the opportunity to create cartoons to share with others. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


Syllabus bites: Exploring Asia-related texts

This resource has information, links and study guides on Asia-related texts to support the Australian Curriculum in English for Year 7, 8, 9, 10.


The ad campaign

This learning sequence invites students to analyse the 'Dumb Ways to Die' advertising campaign and how the key messages are communicated to the audience. Students then design a new iteration of the Dumb Ways to Die campaign, that could engage a young audience and provide messages about travel safety not covered by the original ...


What’s your brand?

This resource provides a PowerPoint slide presentation with discussion questions. Students explore how online activities can contribute to their digital brand, they identify strategies for building and maintaining a positive digital brand. Students then identify strategies and support to change a damaged brand.


A Field Guide to Being a 12-Year-Old Girl

This resource supports the film A Field Guide to Being a 12-Year-Old Girl which documents the lives of twelve 12-year old girls. It can be used to explore ideas and representations of identity. It can also be used to unpack the director’s intention to make a film that walks the ‘line of fact and fiction’.


Code and conventions in cartoons

This unit supports students to read and interpret a cartoon, and understand the codes and conventions that cartoonists use to make meaning. They also explore how cartoons reflect the views of cartoonists, and create their own cartoon in response to the unit. The activities use a blended approach and contain synchronous ...


Film study – Finding Nemo

Using the film Finding Nemo as the starting point, students will describe the director’s approach to characterisation, and evaluate the ways in which characters, setting and the narrative arc work together in this film text.


Film post-production

The resources on this webpage are designed to build understandings of each element of film post-production including editing, sound and film promotion. The resources inform the development phase of film-making and/or assist in development of critical literacy in relation to films and media.


Film production

The resources on this webpage are designed to build understandings of each element of production including managing a film set and creating a production brief. The resources support the development phase of film-making.


Film pre-production

The resources on this webpage are designed to build understandings of each element of film pre-production including directing, acting, cinematography, story-boarding, production design, the score and sound design. The resources support the development phase of film-making and/or assist in development of critical literacy ...


Overview of short films

The resources on this webpage are designed to build understandings of the characteristics of short films and the qualities that make them successful. The resources inform the development phase of film-making and/or assist in development of film analysis skills.



Through this filmmaking project, students explore the visual and sensory language of film, working with their peers and teacher(s) to create a short film through a scaffolded process of development, pre-production, production and post-production. Detailed notes and associated support materials accompany each step of the ...


Representation in advertising

In this learning sequence students learn about the concept of representation, and that representations are purposefully constructed in genres such as advertising. They explore the codes and conventions of online representations and the ways that gender, age and ethnicities might be represented in the media. Students are ...


From page to game: Multimodal narratives

This unit focuses on visual literacy and comprehending sequential art narratives such as online games. Multimodal texts, which would commonly be classified as popular culture, will be examined in such a way that their literary value will be revealed and appreciated. The driving question for this unit is How can we transform ...


The Lost Thing: Unit of work

This unit of work has been written to support The Lost Thing, a quirky picture story book about finding your place in the world. It explores themes of belonging, bureaucracy, conformity, dystopia and friendship. This unit provides practical teaching ideas, an assessment task and an essay by Gary Crew.


Ubby’s Underdogs: Heroes Beginnings. Unit of work

This unit of work has been written to support the novel Ubby’s Underdogs: Heroes Beginnings. This graphic novel explores themes of Aboriginal history and culture, courage, Chinese history, corruption, feminism, First Nations texts, friendship, inter-cultural relationships and teenage gangs. This unit provides practical ...


Ubby’s Underdogs: the Legend of the Phoenix Dragon: Unit of work

This unit of work has been written to support the novel Ubby’s Underdogs: the Legend of the Phoenix Dragon. The novel, set in Broome of the late 1940s, is mostly concerned with the activities of two teenage gangs and explores themes of courage and bullying. As a graphic novel, it offers opportunities to teach about symbolism, ...


The ABC Book of Australian Poetry: Unit of work

This unit of work has been written to support this anthology of Australian poetry. Compiled by Libby Hathorn, it contains over eighty poems dating from 1885 to the present day representing the diversity of Australia. This unit provides practical teaching ideas for teaching specific poems and an assessment task.


The Deep: Here Be Dragons: Unit of work

The Deep: Here Be Dragons is a graphic novel tells the tales of the Nekton family – a multiethnic family of Aquanauts who live on a submarine. It explores themes of discovery, family, hope, respect and the environment. This unit provides practical teaching ideas and an assessment task. This teacher resource provides practical ...


Mahtab’s Story: Unit of work

This unit of work has been written to support the novel Mahtab’s Story. The novel focuses on asylum seekers and explores themes of courage, family, hope and resilience. This unit provides practical teaching ideas, an assessment task and an essay about the novel by Yassmin Abdel-Magied