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English / Year 4 / Literacy / Interpreting, analysing, evaluating

Curriculum content descriptions

Identify characteristic features used in imaginative, informative and persuasive texts to meet the purpose of the text (ACELY1690)

  • describing the language which authors use to create imaginary worlds; how textual features such as headings, subheadings, bold type and graphic organisers are used to order and present information, and how visual codes are used, for example those used in advertising to represent children and families so that viewers identify with them
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Informative texts,  Imaginative texts


Developing characters with Leigh Hobbs

How can drawings of characters give readers clues about who they are? What are some of the clues Leigh Hobbs gives us about Old Tom's character through his drawings of him? Do you have a character in your head that you've been thinking about for a while? As you draw or write about your character, remember what Leigh says ...


Syllabus bites: types of sentences

A web page resource with information, teacher guides and activities on types of sentences to support the Australian Curriculum in English K–10. It has detailed activities, links to resources and quizzes.


The Australian cotton story

This is a nine-minute video about cotton cultivation in Australia and cotton's importance for Australians. Intended for a mid to upper primary school audience, it depicts a family sowing, irrigating, spraying and harvesting cotton on their farm at Dalby, Queensland. It also illustrates the life cycle of the cotton plant ...


Suspense Toolkit

Give students tips about some of the key ingredients of writing a suspenseful, scary story. This tip sheet provides a range of ideas suitable for the skills and abilities of different year levels. It also includes some teaching strategies.


Local history study

This lesson is intended to deepen students’ knowledge and understanding of their areas local history and find evidence of past industries in the place that they live. It can be used to support students in the process of creating a leaflet for visitors to their area.


Types of literary texts

This essay explains the essential principles of discrete genres of literary texts. Once these are identified, students will be able to more easily recognise combinations of conventions in individual texts. They can then be guided to understand how these support the genres and how they may be exploited to compose original ...


Text structure Stage 2

This literacy teaching strategy supports teaching and learning for students in Years 3 and 4 across all key learning areas. It targets specific literacy skills and suggests a learning sequence to build skill development. Teachers can select individual tasks, or a sequence, and embed into their teaching and learning program ...


Art in Advertising

In this teaching activity, students will explore how visual artwork supports key messages in advertising and the concept of a “call to action”. They will apply elements and principles of design to create original advertisements for an audience.


Deadly D & Justice Jones: Making the Team: Unit of work

This unit of work has been written to support the book Deadly D & Justice Jones: Making the Team. The fast-paced narrative of the book incorporates the NRL and Rugby League as key components. It explores themes such as bullying and friendship and emotions such as anger. This unit includes practical ideas for using this ...


Cats, Dogs and Us: Education pack (years 3-4)

This education pack is an International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) resource designed to build students' understanding about the special place domestic cats and dogs have in people's lives. The pack consists of a teaching guide, a student magazine and six student worksheets focusing on topics such as the physical characteristics ...


Bursting to Write

This article discusses the power of short-burst writing as part of warming-up a unit. Short burst writing is a process that supports children to think like a writer. It teaches them to bring their writing alive (painting pictures in their heads of their readers) and helps them to understand the craft of description.


Varying openings

Use this worksheet to discuss the directions in which a story might go depending on what the opening sentence is.


Teaching Text Structure

This resource explains the five most common text structures and how to help students learn to identify and use text structures in their reading and writing. It includes templates for five types of expository writing including Describe or explain, Sequence, Cause and effect, Problem and solution and Compare and contrast. ...


Importance of Country and Place

This learning sequence comprises two short inquiries, where students study Aboriginal identity and culture in the local area. In the first inquiry, students identify Aboriginal languages spoken and learn about the special relationship Aboriginal people have with Country. In the second inquiry, students explore Dreaming ...


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures

This resource is a guide to using specific picture books to support the cross-curriculum priority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, and the general capability of intercultural understanding, within the context of learning areas such as History, Geography and English.


My Place - Episode 26: Before Time: Barangaroo, Dance-off

Barangaroo and her friends are warned not to go near Mumuga country, and they discuss the nature of the Mumuga. To cheer up Mung they decide to host a cook-up. Barangaroo and Mani have a dance-off in order to see who is the most worthy to carry the spear.


What words and illustrations convey

Have you ever read a book where the words tell you one thing but the pictures tell you something different? For example, characters in a scary situation might say aloud that they're not scared, but the illustration could show characters who are huddled in a corner. See if you can come up with a short story and an illustration ...


Andy Griffiths' tips for writing funny stories

Watch this video and learn how to write funny stories with tips from Andy Griffiths! What does he say is a good starting point? Why don't you try writing a story about a time something embarrassing happened to you? What does Andy say is the key to getting readers to enjoy your story and have a laugh?


Young authors' creative writing advice

When you write, is there a particular piece of writing advice you keep in the back of your mind - something that helps you to write a better story? Watch these two students talk about the advice given to them that helps them to write better stories.


Informational writing for kids

A series of eight short videos for students on informational writing. This resource explains the difference between fiction and non-fiction, choosing a topic, making a plan, writing an introduction, writing a draft, writing a closure, making a table of contents and making a glossary.