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English / Year 4 / Literacy / Creating texts

Curriculum content descriptions

Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts containing key information and supporting details for a widening range of audiences, demonstrating increasing control over text structures and language features (ACELY1694)

  • using research from print and digital resources to gather ideas, integrating information from a range of sources; selecting text structure and planning how to group ideas into paragraphs to sequence content, and choosing vocabulary to suit topic and communication purpose
  • using appropriate simple, compound and complex sentences to express and combine ideas
  • using grammatical features including different types of verb groups/phrases, noun groups/phrases, adverb groups/phrases and prepositional phrases for effective descriptions as related to purpose and context (for example, development of a character’s actions or a description in a report)
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Creating texts,  Expositions (Factual texts)


TrackSAFE Education Primary School Resources: Year 3 and Year 4 English

This unit of work focuses on behaviour in and around tracks and rail infrastructure. Activities build subject-specific vocabulary and understanding of procedural text structures. Guided writing activities support students to develop a series of track safe procedures while a slogan writing activity focuses on effective ways ...


Informational writing for kids

A series of eight short videos for students on informational writing. This resource explains the difference between fiction and non-fiction, choosing a topic, making a plan, writing an introduction, writing a draft, writing a closure, making a table of contents and making a glossary.


Know your audience

Before you watch this video, guess the intended readership of Shamini Flint's Diary series about a boy playing sports. How did you come to this conclusion? Were you correct? Why do you think it's important for writers to think about who their intended readers are?


What is the biggest lesson Andy Griffiths has learnt?

Listen as Andy Griffiths reveals the biggest lesson he's learnt as a writer. What did he once think he needed to do to be successful? And what did he discover? Why does Andy believe that being yourself when you write is the most important thing?


Wonderful words, creative stories: pets

Add descriptive words to two simple sentences about a cat and a fish to make the sentences more interesting. Substitute different descriptive words in each sentence. Notice how your choice of words affects the animations for the sentences. Use your two lively sentences as the start and ending of an imaginative story. Check ...


Writing drafts with Sally Rippin

Listen as Sally Rippin describes how her reading feeds into her writing. Why does she sometimes stop reading when she's in the early stages of writing a new story? Do you write a few drafts of your stories before you get to your final version? What does Sally say about the first draft of a story?


Opinion Writing for Kids

This is a series of eight short videos for students on opinion writing. The series covers what is opinion writing; choosing a topic; making a plan; writing a draft: introduction, reasons and examples, conclusion; revising and editing.


How-To Writing for kids

A series of five short YouTube videos for students explains the processes for preparing for and writing procedural texts. Episodes feature: brainstorming ideas, writing an introduction, writing steps, making revisions and writing a conclusion.


Planning and writing

How do you write? Do you get an idea and jump right in and start writing, or do you plan and think about your idea before you start? Everyone has their own writing style that works for them. Watch Lili Wilkinson talk about how she writes, and the importance of editing and being flexible with your original plan.


Alice Pung's writing practice

Do writers write every day? Author Alice Pung does. In this clip Alice describes her writing practice. Why does she use a cheap notebook for capturing ideas? What sort of writing does she do to get the creativity flowing? Give Alice's techniques a try and see whether they work for you!


Research in creative writing

Research is not always necessary in creative writing if you write solely from your own experiences, but many writers find research helpful in creating settings and characters they may not have been exposed to in their own lives. How has Shamini Flint used both her own life experiences and research in her books?


Tony Wilson's advice for new writers

What does author Tony Wilson think the hardest thing for new writers is? What does he say is the best way to get better at writing? Tony mentions an Australian author called Sonya Hartnett. Do some research and find out how old Sonya was when she wrote her first book. If writing is something you have fun doing, perhaps ...


BTN: Meet a young author

Do you love writing stories? Learn how Hannah Chandler got a book published at the age of 12! Why don't you make your own book? Once you're happy with your story, find yourself an illustrator (a friend, family member or even yourself!) and start designing your pages. Once they're ready attach them all together. Don't forget ...


Andy Griffiths' tips for starting your story

Get some tips from Andy Griffiths on what to think about when you start to write a story. What does he say about plot? Why not take Andy's advice and start a story by thinking about something that has happened to you and then exaggerate it somehow. Concentrate on writing a short, dramatic moment by using lots of detail ...


How to Build Stories, Ch 5: Using language to flavour your story

Language is like the flavour of a story. It helps relate your imagination to readers in a way they'll understand. But you have to add the right flavours; otherwise your story will be like a bad meal. Learn how to write what you want your readers to imagine and feel.


Creating your own potato chips: marketing

Learn how to make an advertisement! In this activity young learners will produce a short (30-60 second) advertisement to promote potato chips. This learning activity is the final part of a sequence of 3 individual learning activities focused on creating your own potato chips. The order of these learning activities are: ...


Red Dirt Riders Resource

Red Dirt Riders is a 5-part documentary series showcasing Ngarluma Ngurra in Western Australia’s remote Pilbara region. The series follows the riders as they venture out to visit sites of significance on Country. The young adventurers embark on rides to learn about the history of place from the people who remember – learning ...


Mythological Characters

How do Greek mythological figures inspire modern day characters? In this lesson, students will explore the connection between Greek mythology and modern culture. They will analyse Greek culture, mythological characters, and apply elements of mythology. They will design and paint original mythological characters with watercolours.


Work sample Year 4 English: Adventure narrative

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 4 English. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation of ...


Shirley Purdie: Ngaginybe Jarragbe, My Story: Unit of work

This unit of work has been written to support the book Shirley Purdie: Ngaginybe Jarragbe, My Story. The narrative of the book is told in English and Gija. It is about Shirley Purdie’s life story, told alongside her paintings. This unit includes practical ideas for using this book in your classroom.