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English / Year 7 / Literacy / Interpreting, analysing, evaluating

Curriculum content descriptions

Use comprehension strategies to interpret, analyse and synthesise ideas and information, critiquing ideas and issues from a variety of textual sources (ACELY1723)

  • identifying cause and effect in explanations and how these are used to convince an audience of a course of action
  • inferring the tone and emotional intent of a character in dialogue in a narrative
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Reading comprehension


Syllabus bites: types of sentences

A web page resource with information, teacher guides and activities on types of sentences to support the Australian Curriculum in English K–10. It has detailed activities, links to resources and quizzes.


Teaching Reading and Viewing - Comprehension Strategies and activities for Years 1-9

This resource developed by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority provides teachers with a collection of strategies and activities for developing students’ comprehension. It is a companion document to the series of guides on teaching reading and viewing. The strategies are listed alphabetically in the table ...


What do you call someone who plays a flute?

What do teenage writers Noa and Francis love about writing? Do you love writing for similar reasons? Or for different ones? Francis says that practice makes perfect when it comes to writing. He also says that thinking won't make you a better writer, writing will. Noa says that reading more has helped her improve her writing. How?


Reading with Rebecca Lim

Watch this clip to find out what author Rebecca Lim liked to read when she was younger. How have these early interests influenced her writing as an adult? Do you get creative inspiration from books you read? What advice does Rebecca give to people who want to be writers?


Writing a multimedia review

The resource contains information, activities and tasks on how to write a review of a multimodal text, a website and a computer game. It includes writing and presenting templates for students for a variety of purposes and contexts. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


Writing a review - book and film

The resource contains Information, activities and tasks on how to write a review of a book and film. It includes writing and presenting templates for students for a variety of purposes and contexts. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


Syllabus bites: Visual literacy

A resource with information, study guides and resources on visual literacy to support the English K-10 Australian Curriculum in English. It provides a series of activities, guidelines and tasks about visual texts from a variety of sources. Contains writing scaffolds, templates and proformas for responding and composing ...


BTN: Did you see it? Subliminal advertising

Are you persuaded to purchase products by the advertising you see on TV? If advertising was so subtle that we couldn't distinguish it from the content of the shows we watch, what effect might this have? Watch this clip and find out how some advertisers are using hidden messages to advertise products and influence our purchasing ...


Laptop wrap: Persuasive Writing

A resource with a focus on persuasive writing with information, links and activities. Includes a list of print, digital and other resources needed to teach the unit. This resource supports the BOS NSW Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


Trade and Investment at a Glance

Using an illustrated report from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, this Teacher guide provides ten learning sequences that engage students in the analysis and interpretation of data about Australian imports and exports. Students: identify Australia's major exports and imports; investigate international trade ...


First Day Series 2

This resource contains five lessons which explore key themes in First Day series 2 including gender diversity, leadership, allyship, advocacy and media representation. Each lesson includes discussion starters, a relevant First Day clip to view and respond to, and suggested learning tasks to reinforce and demonstrate student ...


Crafting character

This sample learning sequence explores the concept of character as well as the impact of point of view. Students will learn how character, first person point of view, events and setting are combined within the short story form to create a narrative that reflects particular values. Students explore how figurative language, ...


Lockie Leonard for Teachers

This is a multiliteracy resource aimed to help students explore the Lockie Leonard television series, based on the original trilogy of books by Tim Winton. This website provides access to over 100 teaching and learning activities, each supported by video clips and student worksheets exploring themes including Transition ...


First Day: Teaching Toolkit

This resource supports the exploration of themes in the film series First Day. First Day explores the experiences of a transgender student who is starting secondary school. The resource will help students to prepare for, process, and reflect on their own transitions to secondary school as well as some elements of respectful ...


Speak the speech

In this learning sequence, students will trace the evolution of the spoken word from traditional forms of oratory, to a contemporary culture of multimodal texts. They will experiment with writing and delivering a range of spoken forms to deepen their understanding of the reciprocal relationship between composer and responder. ...


From page to game: Multimodal narratives

This unit focuses on visual literacy and comprehending sequential art narratives such as online games. Multimodal texts, which would commonly be classified as popular culture, will be examined in such a way that their literary value will be revealed and appreciated. The driving question for this unit is How can we transform ...


Civics and Citizenship: Who are we?

Students will explore different perspectives about Australian national identity and values. The unit supports development of understandings of how national identity can shape a sense of belonging, and the factors that can contribute to this.


The ABC Book of Australian Poetry: Unit of work

This unit of work has been written to support this anthology of Australian poetry. Compiled by Libby Hathorn, it contains over eighty poems dating from 1885 to the present day representing the diversity of Australia. This unit provides practical teaching ideas for teaching specific poems and an assessment task.


Mahtab’s Story: Unit of work

This unit of work has been written to support the novel Mahtab’s Story. The novel focuses on asylum seekers and explores themes of courage, family, hope and resilience. This unit provides practical teaching ideas, an assessment task and an essay about the novel by Yassmin Abdel-Magied


Writing drafts with Sally Rippin

Listen as Sally Rippin describes how her reading feeds into her writing. Why does she sometimes stop reading when she's in the early stages of writing a new story? Do you write a few drafts of your stories before you get to your final version? What does Sally say about the first draft of a story?