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English / Year 7 / Literacy / Creating texts

Curriculum content descriptions

Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts, selecting aspects of subject matter and particular language, visual, and audio features to convey information and ideas (ACELY1725)

  • compiling a portfolio of texts in a range of modes related to a particular concept, purpose or audience, for example a class anthology of poems or stories
  • using appropriate textual conventions, create scripts for interviews, presentations, advertisements and radio segments
  • writing and delivering presentations with specific rhetorical devices to engage an audience
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
ScOT terms

Creating texts


What is the biggest lesson Andy Griffiths has learnt?

Listen as Andy Griffiths reveals the biggest lesson he's learnt as a writer. What did he once think he needed to do to be successful? And what did he discover? Why does Andy believe that being yourself when you write is the most important thing?


Andy Griffiths' tips for writing funny stories

Watch this video and learn how to write funny stories with tips from Andy Griffiths! What does he say is a good starting point? Why don't you try writing a story about a time something embarrassing happened to you? What does Andy say is the key to getting readers to enjoy your story and have a laugh?


A Field Guide to Being a 12-Year-Old Girl

This resource supports the film A Field Guide to Being a 12-Year-Old Girl which documents the lives of twelve 12-year old girls. It can be used to explore ideas and representations of identity. It can also be used to unpack the director’s intention to make a film that walks the ‘line of fact and fiction’.


Code and conventions in cartoons

This unit supports students to read and interpret a cartoon, and understand the codes and conventions that cartoonists use to make meaning. They also explore how cartoons reflect the views of cartoonists, and create their own cartoon in response to the unit. The activities use a blended approach and contain synchronous ...


Scriptwriting Virtual Workshop

Go behind the scenes with MaveriX creators to learn about the process of bringing a story to life on screen. Before these stories make it to our screens, they are created through the art of scriptwriting. Suitable for Years 5 - 8 this virtual workshop supports teachers in narrative units of work as it explores story, setting ...


Storyboarding, VFX and SFX

Storyboards use visuals to effectively communicate ideas during the filmmaking process, producing a blueprint for cast and crew ahead of shooting scenes. VFX (visual effects) and SFX (special effects) require planning and creative problem solving. This resource features interviews with the VFX Supervisor for Round the Twist ...


Documentary Filmmaking

This webpage provides advice and support resources for students wishing to make a documentary film.


First Day: Teaching Toolkit

This resource supports the exploration of themes in the film series First Day. First Day explores the experiences of a transgender student who is starting secondary school. The resource will help students to prepare for, process, and reflect on their own transitions to secondary school as well as some elements of respectful ...


Film post-production

The resources on this webpage are designed to build understandings of each element of film post-production including editing, sound and film promotion. The resources inform the development phase of film-making and/or assist in development of critical literacy in relation to films and media.


Film production

The resources on this webpage are designed to build understandings of each element of production including managing a film set and creating a production brief. The resources support the development phase of film-making.


Film pre-production

The resources on this webpage are designed to build understandings of each element of film pre-production including directing, acting, cinematography, story-boarding, production design, the score and sound design. The resources support the development phase of film-making and/or assist in development of critical literacy ...


Overview of short films

The resources on this webpage are designed to build understandings of the characteristics of short films and the qualities that make them successful. The resources inform the development phase of film-making and/or assist in development of film analysis skills.



Through this filmmaking project, students explore the visual and sensory language of film, working with their peers and teacher(s) to create a short film through a scaffolded process of development, pre-production, production and post-production. Detailed notes and associated support materials accompany each step of the ...


Core Concepts in English

The videos, posters and support information on this set of webpages support students from a range of year levels to understand the textual concepts in English. Find posters and student-friendly videos that define genre, intertextuality, literary value, style, character development, imagery and many others. They have been ...


Planning, programming and assessing English 7–10

Find comprehensive units of work, planning templates and other support resources for students in Stage 4 and 5 (years 7, 8, 9 and 10) of the curriculum. The resources have been created to support the New South Wales English K–10 Syllabus (NESA 2022). However, they may be useful to teachers from other states and territories ...


English concepts: Visual Representation Posters

These posters are designed to support students in a range of year levels to understand the textual concepts in English. Find posters that define genre, intertextuality, literary value, style, character development, imagery and many others. They have been designed to initiate discussion, challenge thinking, and deepen understanding. ...


Speak the speech

In this learning sequence, students will trace the evolution of the spoken word from traditional forms of oratory, to a contemporary culture of multimodal texts. They will experiment with writing and delivering a range of spoken forms to deepen their understanding of the reciprocal relationship between composer and responder. ...


Powerful youth voices

In this learning sequence students will develop an awareness of how an engaging writing voice can be used to effectively communicate ideas that are important to young people. Focusing on memoirs and performance poetry, this program supports students to appreciate the connection between style and a strong personal voice. ...


From page to game: Multimodal narratives

This unit focuses on visual literacy and comprehending sequential art narratives such as online games. Multimodal texts, which would commonly be classified as popular culture, will be examined in such a way that their literary value will be revealed and appreciated. The driving question for this unit is How can we transform ...


Civics and Citizenship: Who are we?

Students will explore different perspectives about Australian national identity and values. The unit supports development of understandings of how national identity can shape a sense of belonging, and the factors that can contribute to this.