English / Year 7 / Literacy / Creating texts

Curriculum content descriptions

Use a range of software, including word processing programs, to confidently create, edit and publish written and multimodal texts (ACELY1728)

  • understanding conventions associated with particular kinds of software and using them appropriately, for example synthesising information and ideas in dot points and sequencing information in presentations or timing scenes in animation
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
ScOT terms

Word processing,  Editing


Syllabus bites: types of sentences

A web page resource with information, teacher guides and activities on types of sentences to support the Australian Curriculum in English K–10. It has detailed activities, links to resources and quizzes.


Creating Avatars

The resource provides advice and help for students to create avatars as visual representation for a variety of publications. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


Design thinking across the curriculum

This cross-curriculum resource is designed to introduce Stage 2, 3 and 4 students to the design thinking process through a series of videos and interactive activities. This resource is also downloadable as a SCORM file: the downloaded version will only work if you upload it to a webserver, such as Moodle or Canvas.


Refugees welcome here

This resource embeds the use of online collaboration tools and 21st century learning skills in a student-centered hands-on project designed to welcome refugees into their community. The syllabus outcomes are aligned to NSW Stage 4 English, Geography or Visual Arts but this could be used with older or younger students by ...


Exploring haiku

This learning sequence explores the structure and examples of Japanese haiku poetry. Students consider how compressed language can produce dramatic and unexpected effects by beginning with an interactive simulated writing experience and then conducting a deeper study of both classic and contemporary haiku.


A New Kind of Alchemy

'A New Kind of Alchemy' is an interactive online graphic novel about a future world threatened by extinction. It is based on a short story by Australian writer, James Roy. The graphics can be downloaded and used to create your own story.


UCreate a short film

This resource focuses on creating a short film. Learn about planning, shooting and editing short films for classroom presentations, competitions and online. It has practical hints, advice and tips about film making.


Creating Digital Stories

This resource focuses on the creation of digital stories for students with supporting activities and links to resources. It has advice and help for students to compose, adapt and publish your digital stories. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


Composing a graphic novel

This resource examines how authors and illustrators design and develop graphic novels. Student can use the resources to design, develop and publish their own graphic novel. Contains a list of print and digital resources needed to teach the unit. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


Writing a multimedia review

The resource contains information, activities and tasks on how to write a review of a multimodal text, a website and a computer game. It includes writing and presenting templates for students for a variety of purposes and contexts. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


Writing a review - book and film

The resource contains Information, activities and tasks on how to write a review of a book and film. It includes writing and presenting templates for students for a variety of purposes and contexts. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


Syllabus bites: Visual literacy

A resource with information, study guides and resources on visual literacy to support the English K-10 Australian Curriculum in English. It provides a series of activities, guidelines and tasks about visual texts from a variety of sources. Contains writing scaffolds, templates and proformas for responding and composing ...


Voice of the People: The Aussie Accent: Whaddya reckon, mate?

Imagine a world where everybody sounded exactly the same when they spoke. What might that be like? Are there 'good' and 'bad' ways to speak? In this clip, listen to the opinions of many people about whether Australians have a bad accent.


What is the biggest lesson Andy Griffiths has learnt?

Listen as Andy Griffiths reveals the biggest lesson he's learnt as a writer. What did he once think he needed to do to be successful? And what did he discover? Why does Andy believe that being yourself when you write is the most important thing?


Andy Griffiths' tips for writing funny stories

Watch this video and learn how to write funny stories with tips from Andy Griffiths! What does he say is a good starting point? Why don't you try writing a story about a time something embarrassing happened to you? What does Andy say is the key to getting readers to enjoy your story and have a laugh?


Creating cartoons

The resource focuses on discussing, analysing and explaining a variety of cartoons in a variety of print and digital texts. It will enhance visual literacy skills in a range of media texts. Students have the opportunity to create cartoons to share with others. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


Syllabus bites: Exploring Asia-related texts

This resource has information, links and study guides on Asia-related texts to support the Australian Curriculum in English for Year 7, 8, 9, 10.


Persuasive Language

This PDF provides a valuable reference guide and teaching and learning resource for students and teachers on the purpose, features and influence of written and visual persuasive texts. The text provides the reader with information on the techniques employed in creating persuasive texts including appealing to emotions through ...


The ad campaign

This learning sequence invites students to analyse the 'Dumb Ways to Die' advertising campaign and how the key messages are communicated to the audience. Students then design a new iteration of the Dumb Ways to Die campaign, that could engage a young audience and provide messages about travel safety not covered by the original ...


Writing drafts with Sally Rippin

Listen as Sally Rippin describes how her reading feeds into her writing. Why does she sometimes stop reading when she's in the early stages of writing a new story? Do you write a few drafts of your stories before you get to your final version? What does Sally say about the first draft of a story?