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Humanities and social sciences / Foundation / Inquiry and skills / Researching

Curriculum content descriptions

Sequence familiar objects and events (ACHASSI004)

  • ordering images and objects (for example, photographs, drawings or artefacts) to show a sequence of significant personal events or milestones (such as age when beginning to walk and talk, at the birth of a sibling, when moving house, when new teeth appear, on the first day at school)
  • drawing story maps of events described in story books or in stories told by a storyteller
General capabilities
  • Numeracy Numeracy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Chronological order,  Factual recounts

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Talking Time: an exploration of time - how we change over time

This integrated lesson sequence that explores the concept and language of time and then moves to using sources and artefacts to show their own personal history. Students will share personal artefacts and those shared from their families to explore concepts of time, history and change.


Australian Disaster Resilience Knowledge Hub: Australian disasters

This is a curated collection of articles, photographs and internet links related to natural, technological and human-caused events including bushfires, cyclones, tsunamis, earthquakes, shipwrecks, urban fires, chemical and industrial events in Australia. Events included have posed a serious threat to a community or property ...