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Humanities and social sciences / Foundation / Inquiry and skills / Analysing

Curriculum content descriptions

Explore a point of view (ACHASSI005)

  • comparing aspects of the childhood of parents, grandparents, elders or a familiar older person, with similar aspects of childhood today (for example, the favourite games of a familiar older person with those of self and class friends)
  • identifying places in the playground or local area that they like or places they like to avoid, and talking about the reasons for their feelings
General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
ScOT terms



Holiday Souvenirs

Use this lesson plan to kick start the creation of an exhibition of objects collected from home about holidays past and present.


Make a Museum of Memory and Myth

This lesson plan is inspired by the People's Museum of Memory and Myth made in 2017. The work was created by artist in residence Hans K Clausen with the support of the local community. The curated collection of objects are displayed in glass fronted boxes and evoke memories of childhood. You can replicate the process the ...


Using picture books for intercultural understanding

This resource supports the integration of picture books into Geography and History teaching and programming. It explains how the use of picture books can develop intercultural understandings and knowledge of a range of perspectives and contexts.


People and Places

Through this geographical inquiry process, students will examine a range of places at the national scale, the reasons people visit places, and factors affecting peoples’ access to places. Students will also analyse their personal connections to places they visit.


My family and other families

This learning sequence provides students with the opportunity to learn about their own history and that of their family. As participants in their own history, students build on their knowledge and understanding of how the past is different to the present. The learning sequence includes two inquiries: my family, and other ...


Talking Time: an exploration of time - how we change over time

This integrated lesson sequence that explores the concept and language of time and then moves to using sources and artefacts to show their own personal history. Students will share personal artefacts and those shared from their families to explore concepts of time, history and change.


Move, Move, Move!

This persuasive digital text is for teachers to read aloud to students. This digital book uses persuasive language and images to highlight the benefits of being active. The resource includes a teaching sequence related to the Big Six components of literacy development (oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, ...