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Humanities and social sciences / Year 6 / Inquiry and skills / Analysing

Curriculum content descriptions

Interpret data and information displayed in a range of formats to identify, describe and compare distributions, patterns and trends, and to infer relationships (ACHASSI128)

  • analysing sources to identify the causes and effects of past events, developments and achievements (for example, the causes and effects of the struggles for democratic rights such as the Wave Hill walk-off, the Wik decision; of technological advancements such as the advent of television, the internet and the bionic ear; of health policies)
  • using graphic organisers, maps and concept maps to identify patterns (for example, patterns of settlement in regional agricultural areas), trends (for example, changes in Australian immigration statistics) and cause-effect relationships (for example, relationships between war and the movement of refugees, the correlation of low income and poor health, the effects of consumer decisions on the individual, the broader community and on environmental sustainability)
  • interpreting graphic representations and making inferences about patterns and/or distributions (for example, proposing the possible impacts of human activity from an analysis of food webs; reflecting on electoral representation after viewing a plan of the seats held in upper and lower houses of parliament)
  • comparing spatial and statistical distributions in thematic maps, choropleth maps and tables to identify patterns and relationships (for example, patterns in per capita income of countries from the Asia region; the increasing cultural diversity of present day Australia; relationships between human settlement and the changing environment)
  • identifying possible relationships by comparing places similar in one major characteristic but different in others (for example, by comparing places with similar climates but with different cultures as a means of identifying the relative influences of climate and culture)
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Numeracy Numeracy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Data analysis,  Reasoning,  Categorical data,  Human settlements,  Geographic location,  Spatial technologies


Sustainable transport – sustainability action process (Years 3–6)

This sustainable transport learning resource will guide students through an extended school based investigation. Students will develop and implement a chosen sustainability action and then evaluate and reflect on their success and their learning.


Journeys to Australia

This unit presents a learning sequence for Year 6 students to develop their historical inquiry skills by investigating the key immigration policies and programs Australia has implemented, identifying a range of reasons for migration, highlighting key events from post Federation to present day.


Is it going to rain today?

In this lesson sequence students understand the importance of data in effective decision-making, and are able to find, sort and interpret Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) rainfall data, and to collect their own data and analyse the resulting datasets.


Waste and materials – sustainability action process (Years 3–6)

This resource guides students through an extended school-based or local investigation focussed on waste and materials using the five-step sustainability action process. The resource supports the investigation of a real-world issue or problem. Students develop and implement a chosen sustainability action and then evaluate ...


Biodiversity – sustainability action process (Years 3–6)

This biodiversity learning resource guides students through an extended school based investigation. Students develop and implement a chosen sustainability action and then evaluate and reflect on their success and their learning.


Future foods: Science and sustainability Years 5-6

This study guide explores the modern practices in sustainable farming and its role in the future of food production. It investigates the challenges Australian cattle and sheep farmers’ face and how science can help them to meet the challenge of sustainably feeding the world with a growing population and climate variability. ...


Tsunami: the ultimate guide

This comprehensive web resource provides a series of six interactive slide shows (chapters) that introduce the cause and impacts of tsunami with a focus on Australia, Asia and Pacific regions. Produced by experts in the field, this information is clearly and simply described. The engaging presentation is enriched with photography, ...


Life expectancy PowerPoint

This teacher resource is a PowerPoint presentation designed to address common student misunderstandings about life expectancy. It emphasises that life expectancy is an average, that most people live for much longer or shorter than their life expectancy and that, when life expectancy is low, it is mostly because of a very ...


Tsunami lesson plan resources

The tsunami lesson plan provides teachers and students, especially in remote coastal areas, with an opportunity to investigate how tsunami happen and how to stay safe if a tsunami occurs. The downloadable PDF includes lesson plans. student assignments based on case studies, as well as background information on tsunamis, ...


Australia as a Nation

This learning sequence comprises two short historical inquiries where students explore the people who came to Australia and why they came. This learning sequence can be conducted over four weeks. Inquiry 1 supports students to use primary and secondary sources to investigate the reasons people migrated to Australia from ...


Making Connections: Object and Article Analysis

In this activity, students explore how humans impact the marine ecosystem. They complete an object analysis, where the object is related to or drawn from the marine environment. They then read a media article related to the objects analysed. During their analysis, students are encouraged to identify how the article connects ...


The First Fleet

In this unit, students explore the many perspectives surrounding the significance of the 26th of January in Australia. They hear from Traditional Custodians about the laws, protocols and welcoming practices that existed for thousands of years before colonisation, and understand that these practices were not observed nor ...


Are You Tougher Than Your Ancestors?

This resource supports the series Are You Tougher Than Your Ancestors? Which explores familiar historic periods and events through the eyes of children who lived through them. Each episode reveals a true story of a resilient and courageous child from the past, and challenges modern-day children to emulate their experiences. ...


Western Australia at War 1914 Year 6 Learning sequence

The focus on the involvement of Western Australian people in World War 1 assists students through the stages of an extended historical inquiry. The sequence begins by contextualising the war, using primary sources and developing inquiry questions. Further activities build an understanding of sequencing and research skills ...


Albert Namatjira: Unit of work

This unit of work has been written to support the book Albert Namatjira in which award-winning artist Vincent Namatjira tells the life story of his great-grandfather, Albert Namatjira, one of Australia’s best-known artists. This unit includes practical ideas for using this book in your classroom.


Newshounds: Misinformation and disinformation

In this lesson, students learn that everyone should Stop, Think, and Check before passing on information they come across on the internet. Students apply critical literacy skills to assess examples of misinformation and disinformation presented in different formats including social media and web posts. This lesson includes ...


Sites2See: Exploring energy for Primary

One page with links to websites with interactive resources, information and activities to support primary students investigating energy and the Climate Clever Energy Savers program.


Farms and people’s connections to them: producer video

This is a video about the operation of the Outback Pride project and the value of the Australian native food produced in conjunction with Aboriginal peoples. To a visual background of the nursery at Reedy Creek in South Australia and some of 25 Aboriginal communities involved in the project in SA and Northern Territory, ...


Game Lessons: Explore the cultural significance of Country with Paperbark

This lesson is a part of a six-lesson unit of work inspired by the immersive and captivating videogame called Paperbark. The Paperbark game provides an interactive experience that allows students to explore Country while navigating the life of a curious wombat. Throughout the game, students encounter the landscapes, plants, ...


Magical Land of Oz: Koalas and climate change

The koala population in rural NSW has been declining over the years due to drought and heatwaves. What causes some of the temperature extremes experienced in this region? Dr Mella believes koalas normally get most of the moisture they need to stay hydrated from eucalyptus leaves. What has changed in recent years that means ...