Humanities and social sciences / Year 3 / Knowledge and Understanding / Geography

Curriculum content descriptions

The location of Australia’s neighbouring countries and the diverse characteristics of their places (ACHASSK067)

  • using a globe to locate the Pacific Island nations, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste and Indonesia and countries relevant to students, labelling them on a map, and identifying the direction of each country from Australia
  • describing the similarities and differences between their local place and places in neighbouring countries (for example, Indonesia, Pacific Island nations) in their natural and human characteristics
General capabilities
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
ScOT terms

Populations (Society),  Geographic location,  Pacific Island peoples


How does your garden grow?

This Stage 2 resource grew from a conversation between young students questioning why they could still buy grapes if they were out of season. This wondering led to a discussion around when we grow certain fruit and vegetables. The original stimulus was extended to cover planting for the seasons and factors that influence ...


GeogSpace: year 3 - exemplar

This is a web page consisting of an overview and two illustrations of practice on the GeogSpace website, a resource for teachers. The illustrations develop the concept of place into a more complex idea with subtleties of function, and contrasts in settlements between different places. Illustration 1 develops students' knowledge ...


Using picture books for intercultural understanding

This resource supports the integration of picture books into Geography and History teaching and programming. It explains how the use of picture books can develop intercultural understandings and knowledge of a range of perspectives and contexts.


The Earth’s environment

Using the learning sequences and workbooks, students explore the climate, natural vegetation and native animals of places in Australia and India. Key Inquiry questions include ‘How does the environment support the lives of people and other living things?’ and ‘How can people use places and environments more sustainably?’. ...


Places are similar and different – Features of places

In this resource, students learn to compare the climate, settlement patterns and the lives of the people of three Australian places, including their own place/town/city. They then use this information to imagine what it would be like to live in those places. At the end of this project, students can create and publish a mini atlas.


Places are similar and different – Features of places

Through this resource students explore places across a range of scales within Australia and Australia’s location in the world. They describe connections that people have with places both locally and globally.


Australia’s neighbours

Through this geographical inquiry process, students will investigate the location and geographical characteristics of one or more Asian countries. Students explore the natural and human features and create a persuasive text outlining that country’s features as a tourist destination. The resource includes a focus on the ...


Asia and Australia and its engagement with Asia

This resource supports the implementation of Humanities curriculum with the cross curriculum priority of Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia. The resource includes a continuum of conceptual development in each of the cross-curriculum priorities and examples of what this looks like in each of the stages of learning.


Work sample Year 3 HASS F-6: People and places

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 3 HASS F-6. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation of ...


Growing your own pizza

In this hypothetical exercise, young learners will explore what they would need to establish if they were to grow their very own pizza. The OUTCOMES of this learning activity are for children to: investigate where and how food is produced; appreciate the complexities of food manufacturing; expand their knowledge of food ...


Cats, Dogs and Us: Education pack (years 3-4)

This education pack is an International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) resource designed to build students' understanding about the special place domestic cats and dogs have in people's lives. The pack consists of a teaching guide, a student magazine and six student worksheets focusing on topics such as the physical characteristics ...


The life of Nelson Mandela

This resource features six key episodes from the life of Nelson Mandela as depicted by the South African comic book artists of Umlando Wezithombe. There are group discussion suggestions relating to each clip and additional facts and quotes that are downloadable from the bottom of this page.


Secret Postcard Project

This lesson plan provides ideas for raising money for a local or national charity with a whole school arts project. Use it to support learning in Civics and Citizenship about how individuals and groups can make a positive difference in their community.


Sites2See: Exploring energy for Primary

One page with links to websites with interactive resources, information and activities to support primary students investigating energy and the Climate Clever Energy Savers program.


Waterways: clean-up

We all have the power to help keep our coastlines, rivers, lakes, swamps, creeks, floodplains, billabongs and estuaries clean by diverting rubbish from our waterways. This can be done with regular clean-ups, picking up litter when you see it, and changing our behaviour such as limiting our use of single-use plastic. This ...


Creating a food garden: vision

This learning activity is part of a sequence of 5 individual learning activities focused on creating a food garden. The order of these learning activities are: vision, site assessment, installing a no dig garden bed, planting and harvesting. OUTCOMES For children to: • appreciate what they would like to achieve from creating ...


Farms and people’s connections to them: producer video

This is a video about the operation of the Outback Pride project and the value of the Australian native food produced in conjunction with Aboriginal peoples. To a visual background of the nursery at Reedy Creek in South Australia and some of 25 Aboriginal communities involved in the project in SA and Northern Territory, ...


Discovering democracy: we remember

View a slideshow of images and text to find out about the symbols used to represent Australia on flags, currency, sporting competitions and important days such as Australia Day. Complete a related task.


Discovering Democracy: rules and laws

Find out why societies need laws by interacting with a slideshow of images and text presenting the development of road rules. Students identify the need for rules and laws on our roads and in society and complete a related task.


First contacts

In this ten-week learning sequence, students examine European exploration and colonisation in Australia to the early 1800s. They examine the impact of exploration on Aboriginal peoples, how these societies interacted with newcomers, and the impacts of the spreading colony on the local peoples. The learning sequence consists ...