Humanities and social sciences / Year 3 / Knowledge and Understanding / Civics and citizenship

Curriculum content descriptions

Why people participate within communities and how students can actively participate and contribute (ACHASSK072)

  • identifying groups in the local community or through a virtual community and exploring their purpose
  • exploring how they could participate in a school or community project (for example, raising money for a relevant aid project such as sponsorship of a sports team; working to protect a bird habitat)
  • investigating an individual’s contribution and why it was recognised (for example, an individual who was awarded an Order of Australia)
  • exploring the motivations of people who have contributed to communities (for example, local community volunteers, leaders and Elders)
General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
  • Ethical understanding Ethical understanding
ScOT terms

Active citizenship


Creating a wildlife habitat: research

This learning activity is the first part of a sequence of 5 individual learning activities focused on creating a wildlife habitat. The order of these learning activities are: research, vision, design, planting and monitoring and care. The OUTCOMES are for children to: undertake research to determine what their local ecosystems ...


Creating a wildlife habitat: vision

This learning activity is the second part of a sequence of 5 individual learning activities focused on creating a wildlife habitat. The order of these learning activities are: research, vision, design, planting and monitoring and care. OUTCOMES for this learning activity are for children to: create a vision of what their ...


Creating a wildlife habitat: design

Creating a wildlife habitat can provide a home for a variety of local wildlife from the smallest insects and spiders to birds, reptiles, mammals and frogs. These habitats can provide a sanctuary for species that have been displaced through urbanisation, as built structures replace natural areas. The Vision activity determined ...


Discovering democracy: joining in

View a slideshow of images and text to find out about volunteer groups and people who contribute to the Australian community such as Clean Up Australia and Meals on Wheels. Complete a related task.


Giving it: resources for primary schools

This series of resources explores the concept of philanthropy, and considers why and how active citizens participate in communities. Through a series of video case studies students are introduced to a variety of people who give and the contributions they make. An interactive 'Giving Wheel' provide a stimulus for researching ...


Secret Postcard Project

This lesson plan provides ideas for raising money for a local or national charity with a whole school arts project. Use it to support learning in Civics and Citizenship about how individuals and groups can make a positive difference in their community.


The life of Nelson Mandela

This resource features six key episodes from the life of Nelson Mandela as depicted by the South African comic book artists of Umlando Wezithombe. There are group discussion suggestions relating to each clip and additional facts and quotes that are downloadable from the bottom of this page.


Good citizenship

In this lesson, students will become aware of how their background and experiences affect the way they view the world and interact with other people. Students will identify and practice the behaviours of a “Good Digital Citizen”.


Recycle: How do visual and theatre arts convey issues about the environment?

In this lesson students will explore the concepts behind the “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” slogan. They will examine the process of recycling and perform a commercial with a backdrop made of recycled materials.


Western Australia at War 1914 Year 3 Lesson sequence

This set of lessons explores the experiences of Western Australian soldiers in World War 1. It provides opportunities to explore the symbolism of the poppy and of the different flags of nations involved in the war. Following research activities, students develop a presentation about a soldier or an aspect of the war. An ...


Celebrations and Commemorations

This teaching and learning sequence has a focus on Australian celebrations and commemorations to coincide with the actual dates of the various significant celebrations and commemorations in Australia, culminating in a student-led inquiry on global celebrations.


Commemorating the ANZAC legend

This integrated lesson sequence will allow students to explore how and why people choose to remember significant events of the past, specifically Anzac Day and the Legend of the ANZACs.


Paying It Forward Years 3-4

This resource is a cross-curricular unit about how identity and welfare is affected by the groups and places that students belong to and the services that local government provides. They learn that fair isn’t always equal, the importance of integrity and the role of laws and responsibility in protecting their rights and ...


Defining moments in Australian History

This extensive web-based resource examines events, people and places of profound significance to the Australian people and their personal, community and national histories. The resource includes a list of 100 'defining moments' identified by historians supported by background information, images, video and links to the ...


Sustainable transport – sustainability action process (Years 3–6)

This sustainable transport learning resource will guide students through an extended school based investigation. Students will develop and implement a chosen sustainability action and then evaluate and reflect on their success and their learning.


Thermal comfort – sustainability action process (Years 3–6)

This thermal comfort learning resource will guide students through an extended school based investigation. Students will develop and implement a chosen sustainability action and then evaluate and reflect on their success and their learning.


Contemporary issues in Civics and Citizenship

This resource is designed to help teachers to think about their own practices and explore a number of common approaches to the discussion of contemporary issues. The resource includes six professional learning modules, with pre-readings, group activities, discussion questions and prompts, plus other resources. Module themes ...


Key concepts in Civics and Citizenship Levels 3–10

These six videos for teachers unpack key concepts in Civics and Citizenship highlighting perspectives of current primary and secondary teachers and students. Find videos relating to both content and effective pedagogies. Each video is accompanied by questions that can be used to prompt discussions to support teachers’ thinking ...


Voting in the classroom

This is a learning module that develops practical skills in teaching electoral education as part of the Civics and Citizenship Curriculum. The module includes background information and a step by step guide to running an election. Aligned to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, the module provides one hour ...


ABC News: Full-on Aussies

How do people celebrate Australia Day where you live? Watch how diverse groups of Melburnians spend Australia Day in 2013, and hear some people talk about why they chose to become Australian citizens.