Humanities and social sciences / Year 5 / Knowledge and Understanding / Civics and citizenship

Curriculum content descriptions

The key features of the electoral process in Australia (ACHASSK116)

  • exploring the secret ballot and compulsory voting as key features of Australia’s democracy
  • recognising the role of the Australian Electoral Commission in administering elections that are open, free and fair
  • clarifying who has the right to vote and stand for election in Australia
General capabilities
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
  • Ethical understanding Ethical understanding
ScOT terms

Voting rights,  Parliamentarians,  Elections,  Political leaders,  Voting


NSW Governor Marie Bashir – 2010 speech to students

This resource is a YouTube playlist containing a series of videos from a speech the NSW Governor Marie Bashir gave to senior high school students at Government House in 2010. She speaks on a range of topics, including the Australian system of government, the history of Australia and NSW, and her life. She also answers ...


How do you make a difference?

In this learning sequence, students determine improvements they would like to see in public transport. They research ways of suggesting improvements to public transport authorities and other decision makers, and prepare letters and emails for this purpose. They prioritise future improvements and develop arguments to support ...


Electoral pocketbook: an electoral education resource

The 2016 Electoral Pocketbook is a compact and comprehensive guide to the 2016 federal election, the largest election the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) has ever delivered. The Pocketbook serves as a useful electoral education resource for teachers as it contains historical information about Australia’s electoral ...


Voting in the classroom

This is a learning module that develops practical skills in teaching electoral education as part of the Civics and Citizenship Curriculum. The module includes background information and a step by step guide to running an election. Aligned to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, the module provides one hour ...


Tour of NSW Government House

This resource is a YouTube playlist containing a series of videos taken as a group of senior high school students are given a guided tour of NSW Government House in 2010. The tour covers primary sources such as architecture, furniture and images significant to the history of Australia and NSW.


BTN: History of voting

Australia's first parliamentary election was in 1843. What was different about voting then? When and how did that change to resemble elections we have now? See if you can list the three significant dates in Australia’s history of voting and the changes that occurred on those dates.


Get Voting

This website provides a step-by-step guide to running an school elections such as student leadership positions. The five-step process provides practical advice on preparation and a variety of downloadable resources. The forms can be customised and include nomination forms, ballot papers, how to vote cards and tally sheets ...


Australian Constitution Centre Resources

Find detailed lesson plans for appropriate levels of schooling supporting topics such as the Rule of Law, Representative Democracy, Australian identity, federation and the Constitution, Australia’s legal system, the Courts and the Australian Justice System, The Constitution and the Making of Law in Australia, The High Court ...


Paying It Forward Years 5-6

This is a cross-curricular unit about the values that underpin Australia’s democracy, the freedoms they enjoy and their role and the role of the government as duty bearers of rights. Students learn to appreciate the role of volunteers and Australia’s three levels of government in supporting the community. Students will ...


Preparing for the Parliament Prize

Developed to support a state-based annual competition, this resource can be used more broadly to support students articulating the issues that are important to them. Students are asked to consider what they would say to their Parliament if they were an MP and record their own 90-second Member’s Statement video. Find Teacher’s ...


Indigenous Stories about War and Invasion

This is a website about Indigenous experiences of invasion and war during the British invasion, World War I and World War II. The resource is presented in three sections: Introductory information; Story Objects; and Story Education Resources. There are eight story objects that tell the stories of individuals, events and ...



Test your students with these quizzes about the Australian Parliament. Topics include the three levels of government, separation of powers and the Australian Constitution.


Get involved

Explore the ways ordinary Australians can get involved in the work of Parliament with this short video (6:25 min). Find out how you can get informed about the work of the Parliament, the role of petitioning and ways to participate in parliamentary inquiries.


Australian Civics and Citizenship Curriculum Year 5 unit of work

The eight lessons in this unit of work will help develop students' understanding of democracy and how citizens can participate in a democratic society. It includes two informal assessment items, a formal assessment item with marking rubric, background information for teachers and a list of resources.


State, territory and Australian parliaments

This website is about the parliaments of the states and territories of Australia, as well as the Australian Parliament. It describes the different origins of the colonies and their movement to self-government during the 19th century, and subsequent federation into one nation in 1901. The resource describes the structures, ...


Sites2See: Reconciliation

This resource is a one-page guide to the people, processes, information and events around reconciliation between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and other Australians, with links to music, video and digital resources and activities.


Be the change

This is an interactive about becoming an effective agent of change through civic action in a local community. Users learn a number of practical ways to take democratic action on issues. The context is an abandoned block of land located in an area with a range of issues, such as youth unemployment and environment concerns. ...


Year 5: roles, responsibilities and participation - Parkhurst apprenticeship scheme

This collection of resource sheets for students and teachers examine the early colonial history of the Swan River Colony in Western Australia. The resources provide scaffolded research activities that focus on the Parkhurst Apprenticeship Scheme that sent indentured youths from England to work in the establishing Australian ...


Sites2See: The Apology to Australia's Indigenous Peoples

This resource links to video coverage and key websites related to the apology to Indigenous Australians by the Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on 13 February 2008. Selected sites provide background information to the apology and personal stories about what happened to members of the Stolen Generations, with a focus on reconciliation.


Magna Carta: The story of our freedom

This is a resource about the Magna Carta (Great Charter) agreed between King John and his rebellious barons in 1215 and its influence on the development of human rights and democratic freedoms to the present day. The resource consists of: an animated infographic ‘Tell the story’ with hyperlinks to further information; an ...