Civics and citizenship / Year 8 / Civics and Citizenship Knowledge and Understanding / Government and democracy

Curriculum content descriptions

How citizens can participate in Australia’s democracy, including use of the electoral system, contact with their elected representatives, use of lobby groups, and direct action (ACHCK062)

  • comparing the effectiveness of different forms of participation in Australia’s democracy
  • exploring how elected representatives can advocate on behalf of citizens
  • investigating examples where citizens have taken direct action such as organising a public demonstration or social media campaign
  • analysing how opinion polls are conducted and the ways they are used in democratic debate
  • exploring the different ways that citizens can participate in and support Australia’s democracy through their working lives, such as by serving in the armed services or as a reservist, teaching, representing Australia abroad as a diplomat or aid worker, or joining the police service or the public service
General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
  • Ethical understanding Ethical understanding
ScOT terms

Activism,  Voting rights,  Active citizenship,  Direct action


Get involved

Explore the ways ordinary Australians can get involved in the work of Parliament with this short video (6:25 min). Find out how you can get informed about the work of the Parliament, the role of petitioning and ways to participate in parliamentary inquiries.


Australian Civics and Citizenship Curriculum Year 8 unit of work

The activities and assessments in the unit will help develop students’ understanding of how citizens can participate in a democratic society and the different types of law.


Voting in Australia

The representatives elected to federal Parliament make decisions that affect many aspects of Australian life including tax, marriage, the environment, trade and immigration. This 28 page PDF document explains the history of Australia’s electoral system and how it works, Australia’s system of government and the role citizens ...


Tasmania's Hare-Clark voting system

Did you know that Tasmania has an entirely different voting system to the rest of Australia? It allows five politicians to be voted into the one seat (division) in state elections. Watch as Andrew Hawkey, the Tasmanian Electoral Commissioner explains how that system works, why it came to be and why it's important for Tasmania ...


Be the change

This is an interactive about becoming an effective agent of change through civic action in a local community. Users learn a number of practical ways to take democratic action on issues. The context is an abandoned block of land located in an area with a range of issues, such as youth unemployment and environment concerns. ...


Get Voting

This website provides a step-by-step guide to running an school elections such as student leadership positions. The five-step process provides practical advice on preparation and a variety of downloadable resources. The forms can be customised and include nomination forms, ballot papers, how to vote cards and tally sheets ...


Drug Crime and the Law

This sequence of four lesson ideas focuses on the concept that Australia's social wellbeing is enhanced when individuals understand the behaviours and laws associated with being responsible citizens, and report signs of illicit criminal drug activity to the appropriate authorities. This resource provides the opportunity ...


Aboriginal change makers

Aboriginal history, self-determination and identity are examined in this teaching and learning eBook. The book draws on the lived experience of First Nations peoples drawing on historical record, cultural protocols and community connections to explore perspectives on traditional culture and leadership in the face of colonisation. ...


Discovering democracy: men and women in political life

Interact with a slideshow of images and text to explore some Australian men and women who have influenced the political landscape of Australia, both as elected representatives and as political leaders outside parliament. Complete a related task.


Commerce 4 – Law, society and political involvement

In this learning sequence students investigate the role and structure of the legal system. They develop an understanding of how laws affect individuals and groups and regulate society, and how individuals and groups participate in the democratic process. Students examine various legal and political systems and learn how ...


Civics and Citizenship

This resource supports the National Assessment Program Civics and Citizenship (NAPCC) designed to explore student’s knowledge, skills and understanding of the civics and citizenship learning area. This document has been written by teachers to assist in preparation for assessment in the area of Civics and Citizenship. The ...


MP for a Week: Online Game

Challenge your students to survive a week in politics and keep their party, their voters and the media happy. The game gives young people a virtual taste of life as an MP. While created for a UK audience, there are many similarities with the Australian content.


Aboriginal Cultures, Ch 14: Identity, racism and connection

How do you identify yourself? For some of us our identity is linked to the way we look, but for many people, especially in a multicultural country like Australia, it is generally more complicated. Does the way you look inform how you identify yourself? Grace is a Yorta Yorta person, and her identity is linked to her connection ...


The Australian Dream: Racism

This clip highlights Adam Goodes’s belief that the whole community needs to work together to put an end to racism. Through the heartbreaking story of Nicky Winmar and Gilbert McAdam, you'll get an insight into how far we've come in tackling racism, but Adam shows us how far we still have to go. Find out how people used ...


Birds and totems

Yuin, Bunurong and Tasmanian man Bruce Pascoe shares his delight in encountering birds on Country. Bruce explains the significance of Umburra, or black duck, and his obligation to care for the species. Bruce explains that his brothers and sisters look after other animals, such as kangaroos, bream, wallabies, flathead and ...


NSW Governor Marie Bashir – 2010 speech to students

This resource is a YouTube playlist containing a series of videos from a speech the NSW Governor Marie Bashir gave to senior high school students at Government House in 2010. She speaks on a range of topics, including the Australian system of government, the history of Australia and NSW, and her life. She also answers ...


SDG Lesson Plans for New Zealand Teachers

This book aims to provide teachers with practical activities to fuel classroom engagement and discussion about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each lesson plan focusses on an important theme inherent in the SDGs (“Sustainable food”, “Cities”, “Women and equality” etc.) and provides multiple activities ...


Sustainable Foundations: A guide to teaching the Sustainable Development Goals

This extensive guide drills down into each of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and includes useful links and examples of action for each Goal.


The World’s Largest Lesson!

This resource promotes use of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in learning. Find lesson ideas, videos and posters that explore each of the SDGs in detail.


Active Citizens: Globally connected, locally engaged

While this is designed for use with adults, some of the learning activities are suitable for use in secondary classrooms. Find learning activities exploring identity, cultural understandings, managing difference and conflict.